Well, it isn't so great Since you learned karate chop-chop-chop-chop-chop You're walkin' machs and I'm just Swimmin' in the slop-slop-slop-slop-slop You wave your wand at me and Make me dance flip-flop-flip-flop-flip I want to sing for you and Make your head go pop-pop-pop-pop-pop The Inuit man Had not so much a caesar He had provision Say, you're sprayin' in the windy And I'm just pissin' off-off-off-off-off I'm literally deaf down here from Your canned philosoph-soph-soph-soph Softly, can you hear me? Through the s**in' of your quaff-quaff-quaff-quaff quaff I'm thala**ocracy and you're just Romanov-ov-ov-ov The Inuit man Had not so much a caesar He had provision