Food pa**es through three mediums of your body in order to complete the digestion process, with the help of several enzymes, otherwise called biological catalysts. Mediums and Enzymes: Neutral medium, contains salivary amylase enzyme. Acidic medium, contains gastric juice. Basic medium, contains intestinal juice and pancreatic juice. Carbohydrates: Mono-saccharides. Di-saccharides. Poly-saccharides. Note: Water, vitamins and minerals are not digested, they are directly absorbed by the body. At the end of digestion, nutrients (mono-saccharides, amino acids, fatty acids, glycerole, water and minerals) are absorbed in the small intestine by specific structures called villie. Digestion of Starch into Glucose: Starch: Maltose: Glucose: Digestion of Proteins into Amino Acids: Proteins: Peptides: Trypsin: Conditions Required for Complete Digestion: Temperature. Chemical Medium. Specialty. Duration. Identification Testes: Iodine test. Fehling test. Biuret test. Coogulation test. Translucent spot test.