Here comes the mobster I can see he comes And catches every one he sees Here comes the mobster You can hide yourself But he will hunt for you Here comes the mobster Yeah! He can read your mind And pose to buy everything He comes too faster You can run away At home and hide yourself HEs already behind you Head Head Head Head Head and and and and and Here comes the mobster AAAAAAAAAAA Hes moving faster every pawn to play his game Hes fast and snatches every pound for his big home You are the next to meet him You are the next to meet him Head Head Head Head Head and and and and and Here comes the mobster I can see he comes and catches everyone he sees Here comes too faster you can run away at home to hide yourself Here comes the mobster You can run away at home to hide yourself Youre the next to meet him Youre the next to meet him 123 Youre Youre Youre Youre Youre the the the the the shoulders baby 123 shoulders baby 123 shoulders shoulders shoulders baby 123 shoulders baby 123 shoulders baby 123 shoulders shoulders shoulders baby 123 next to meet him 123 next! Youre the next next to meet him 123 next to meet (x2) next to meet him