The Genesis creation and Greek myth have different types of archetypes in their story. Each story has a similarity and a difference by using the types of archetypes which include the hero, villain, crossroads, epic battle, father/son rivalry, sibling rivalry, the garden, and the innocent. During the pa**age they both had conflict and problems and someone or something to start the problems. The Genesis and Greek creation stories are both similar and different in how they use literary archetypes. Furthermore, Both the Greek and Genesis creation stories utilize the villain archetype. “Cronus swallowed each of his children as they were born” (Greek myth). Therefore this proves that Cronus is the villain in the Greek myth. His lust for power is so great that he selfishly sacrifices his own children to keep the throne. “The serpent told the woman, “You won't die ” God knows that the moment you eat from that tree you will see what is really going on.” (Genesis) The serpent knew that neither the woman nor the man was supposed to eat from the tree of knowledge and evil. This shows that the serpent plays the role of the villain. These examples show both stories use the villain archetype. Lastly, The Greek and Genesis creation stories also contrast, in which archetypes are being used throughout the story. “The Hecatoncheries rained down hundreds of boulders with such a fury the Titans thought the mountains were falling on them.” (Greek myth) In the Greek story there is an epic battle between Cronus and his father. An epic battle is one of the different archetypes that the Genesis story does not have. “And there it was: He named the sky heavens” (Genesis) During the Genesis story the garden archetype is being described. This shows how God created the sky and the earth and made everything look beautiful. In the Greek myth there is not a garden archetype like in Genesis. The Greek myth is mostly about revenge and rivalry while the Genesis story is mostly about making important decisions. Both stories have their own characteristics, one story can be peaceful l and entertaining while the other has more action and suspense.