Author Unknown - Prose Merlin - The Grand Tournament at Logres lyrics


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Author Unknown - Prose Merlin - The Grand Tournament at Logres lyrics

[Summary. After defeating the seven kings, Arthur a**embles a huge army, provi- sions his cities and castles, and goes to his chief city of Logres where he knights many men. For Arthur's benefit, Merlin rehearses much of the recent history of Britain. He tells Arthur about Blase, the hermit who helped Merlin and his mother; about Vortiger and his tower; about Uterpendragon's great love for Ygerne; about Ygerne's daugh- ters and their husbands; and about the five sons of King Lot, revealing that Arthur himself fathered the last one. Merlin also tells Arthur about two kings in Little Brit- ain named Ban and Bors, whose help he should seek. Then Merlin says that he must go to the forest but will return when Arthur needs him. Arthur sends Ulfin and Bretell to Little Britain to request the help of Kings Ban and Bors, who are at war with the villainous Claudas de la deserte. Ulfin and Bretell meet Elein, the young wife of King Ban, and they have a fierce encounter with several of Claudas's knights. At last they find King Ban and King Bors and convey Arthur's message. The kings agree to postpone their own concerns and help Arthur. They travel to Logres, where Arthur greets them warmly. Fols. 40r (line 18)-44r (line 33).] Than these lordes entred into the citee of Logres, began the caroles and the daunces of the ladies and damsels and the turnementes of yonge bachelers, that all the day dured till the nyght. And the town was thourgh hanged with clothes of silke, and it was feire wedir and clere, for it hadde not yet nothir reyned ne snowed ne frosen, but was as stille as aboute August. And the stretes were strowed with small gra**e, and incense and myrre in fires in the stretes thikke. And in the wyndowes [were] many lightes, and so swote savoured thourgh the cytee that fer men shulde fele the odour. Thus come the lordes togeder into the maister mynster, and whereas the pro- cession hem abode and receyved hem fro fer with humble reverence. That day songe the archebisshop ma**e; and whan it was ended, they yede up into the grete paleyse whereas the mete was arraide with all the coriouse ordenaunce that myght be don. And the thre kynges were sette togeder at oon table, and the archebisshop and Antor that hadde norischid Arthur. And Kay served at tables as was reson, and two yonge knyghtes of grete prowesse and were sones to two casteleins -- that oon was cleped Lucas the Boteler, and that other Gifflet, the sone of Doo of Cardoell, which hadde be maister forester to Uterpendragon. And thei served with the stiwarde, and with Ulfin and Bretell, that wele cowde hem enforme so that thei were well served and richely. After mete was the quyntayne reysed, and therat bourded the yonge bachelers. And after they begonne a turnemente, and departed hem in two partyes, and were well on eyther syde seven hundred and three hundred of the reme of Benoyk, that kepte hem togeder in oon partye. And whan the turnemente was a**embled redy to smyte togeder, the Kynge Ban and the Kynge Boors and her brother that was a mervilouse clerke of astronomye -- noon in that tyme [was] so expert saf Merlin -- these were lenynge oute at wyndowes, and Arthur and the archebisshop with hem, and Antor that thei wolde not leve, behelden the turnement on bothe partees; and [they] saugh the signes, and the stedes to neye and crye and to praunce under knyghtes and bacheleres, that the hilles and the medowes resouned all abowte. And whan thei were so nygh a**embled, than departed oute of the renge a knyght that was cleped Gifflet, the sone of Do of Cardoell, that satte upon a grey stede that merveilously was swyfte. And on that other part com agein hym a knyght of Benoyk that was cleped Ladynas, and he was of grete renoun; and he sette agein Gifflet as faste as the stedes myght renne, theire sheldes aboute theirnekkes, gripynge the speres. And thei smote togeder in the sheldes so grete strokes that bothe brake theire speres, for bothe were they gode knyghtes and covetouse to gete worship. And they mette so togeder with helmes and sheldes so fiersly that they semede the yen fill from theire hedes. So eche bar other to the erthe, and theire horse aboven hem, and bothe lay longe in sowowne that thei semed deed. And every man seide that thei saugh never so crewell incountre betwene two kynghtes. With that they renged hem on that oon part and on that other for the rescewe of the two knyghtes. At the metynge of this turnement was sein many justinges that gladly were beholden; and some ther were that threw other to the erthe, and some that brake theire shaftes withoute fallynge to grounde. Whan the speres were broken, thei drough oute swerdes and began the turney grete and huge. And ther was oon knyght that dide many maystries of arms with his body, of whom was moche spoken and preysed thourgh the contree; and [he] was cleped Lucas the Boteler and [was] cosin germain to Gifflet that hadde the grete encountir. This Lucas smote down knyghtes and horse and began soche dedis of armes that noon myght his strokes endure. He arached helmes fro hedes and sheldes fro nekkes, and began to do so well that it was merveile hym to beholde. And the thre kynges preysed him moche, and so dide many other. Grete was the turnement in the medowes by Logres upon the Ryver of Temse, and longe it endured that noon ne wiste who sholde have the better. For on bothe sides were many worthi men, and longe it was er the two were releved that hadden the grete encountre. And whan thei were horsed, thei smeten into the turnemente, and tho gan Gifflet to do soche dedes of armes that he and Lucas the Botiller, that thei gate place upon hem of Benoyk and put hem fer bakke in the playn feilde. And than com hem to helpe the three hundred knyghtes of Benoyk that yet ne hadde no stroke smyten, and on that othir syde come also three hundred all fressh. And so eche ran to other. Ther was grete stour and merveillouse and harde strokes smyten, and whan the speres were broken, theileyde honde to swerdes and began the chaple so stronge and dured longe tyme. Ther men myght se many feire chevalries don on bothe parties, for ther were many yonge bachelers that dide right wele. But above alle other Gifflet the sone of Do of Cardoell and Lucas the Botiller, these tweyn were preised of prowesse above alle other. Whan the turnemente hadde longe indured and they were somdell wery for traveyle, than lept Kay the Stywarde oute of his enbusshement that yet hadde no stroke smyten, he and other five felowes that were well horsed, and theire shildes aboute her nekkes, theire launces in their hondes; and whan thei aproched the renges, thei smote in amonge hem as faucouns amonge starlinges, and bar the firste that thei mette to grounde. And when theire speres were broke, thei drough oute swerdes and begonne to do soche maistryes and dedes of armes that Kay hadde the prys and the wurship of the turnemente on that oon part, and on that other part Gifflet and Lucas the Boteller. And the beste after hem was Marke de la Roche, and Guynas le Bleys, and Drias de la Foreste Savage, and Belyas the Amerouse of Maydens Castell, and Blyos de la Ca**e, and Madyens le Crespes, and Flaundryns le Blanke, and Gra**ien the Castelein, and Placidas le Gays. These dide so well whan thei come to the turnement that noon myght agein hem endure. But after that the felowes of the reame of Benoyk dide so well that they made all the turnement resorte bak to theire firste place, for the felisship of the table of Logres were gon oute for to chaunge helmes that weren tohewen and rente. And whan thei saugh theire party turned to disconfiture, thei hem hasted and henten speres and come into the turnemente as faste the horse myght hem bere, and smote in amonge the grettest presse. And Kay cam before alle his felowes as he that was desirouse to shewe his knyghthode, and griped a grete-growen spere. And he was a merveillouse gode knyght yef he ne hadde not be so full of wordes; for his evell speche made hym to be hatid of amonge his felowes and also of straungers that herden of hym speke, that after refuseden to go in his felisshepto seche aventures in the reame of Logres; that after endured longe tyme, as this boke shall reherse hereafterwarde. This tecche hadde Kay take in his norice that he dide of sowke, for he hadde it nothynge of norture of his modere, for his moder was right a gode lady and wise and trewe. But of what Kay seide, his felowes that knewe his costomes ne rought never; but he was full of myrthe and japes in his speche, for [he] seide it for noon evyll will of no man, and therat lough thei gladly that knewe his maners. And on the othir syde, he was oon of the beste felowes and myriest that myght be founde. Whan he was come to the turnement, as ye have herde, he mette with Lydonas that wele hadde do all the day. And moche he and his felowes peyned to dryve hem of Logres oute of the feilde. And so thei were nygh at disconfiture. And whan Kay saugh this he was sory and wroth. Than he smote into the presse and mette Lydonas in the shelde so sore that he perced thourghoute, and the spere poynte stynte at the haubrek. And he shof so harde that he caste hym to the grounde upright. And with the same course he smote Grascien of Trebes that he overthrewe hym and his horse. Than he leyde honde to his swerde and cride "Clarence," the signe of Kynge Arthur. And they beheilde hym and saugh the socour that he brought, for they wende they hadde all loste. Than they returned and begonne to do so well that they hadde not do so well all the day before. This justynge that Kay hadde don saugh well the Kynge Arthur and the Kynge Ban and the Kynge Boors his brother; and they preysed moche Kay and seide he was wight and delyver, and thei beheilde hym gladly. And whan Lucas the Botyller saugh Kay hadde don so well, he smote the horse the spores into the grettest presse and smote Blios so harde that he fill to the grounde and the spere fly on peses. Than he pulde oute hys swerde and spronge in amonge hem and began to yeve grete strokes and to do so well that moche he was preysed; and so began the turnement newe to enforse for the rescewe of theire felowes. Than com Gifflet freschely armed, his spere in fewtre, as faste as his horse myght hym bere, and saugh Blioberes and two of hys felowes that leyde on Kay the Stiwarde with here swerdes, and heilde hym so short that he hadde grete nede of helpe, for thei were thre and he was but alone. And also they were thre the beste of all the turnement. And Placidas hadde hitte Kay on the helme that he lened on his sadill bowe. And whan Gifflet sye this he forthought it sore, and he smote Blioberis so harde that he fill to the erthe, bothe he and his horse, and the spere fly on peces; and [he] leide honde to his swerde and smote Placidas on the helme that he bowed over the arson of his sadell, and after leyde on hym so grete strokes that he was so astooned that he fill to the erthe upright. And Kay hym dressed, that grete nede hadde of that socoure, and after he beheilde and knew that it was Gyfflet that so hadde hym delyvered, and thought to quyte hym that bountee yef he myght. And so he dide withynne short tyme, as ye shall heren heirafter; and for that thei felishiped first togeder, and woned well togeder longe tyme after of grete love, alle the dayes of her lyf. Whan Gifflet hadde delyvred Kay, as ye have herde, he loked aboute hym and saugh Jeroas, that moche hadde greved in that stour. Than he griped his swerde and ran upon hym for ire and yaf soche a stroke that the fire fley oute, and ther- with he kytte a pece of his helme; and but the swerde hadde swarved, he hadde ben deed for evermore. The stroke descended upon the lifte sholder that he fill to the erthe all blody. Than arose the noyse and the crye, for well wende thei that this syen that he hadde be deed withoute recover. Than come his felowes to the rescowe, and on that other parte com the felowes of Kay the Stywarde. Than began the medlé grete and hidouse, that many were wounded and overthrowen er that other was rescowed and sette on horse. And the fyve felowes that were before rehersed, whan thei saugh the medlé so begonne, thei smot so five of the first that thei metten that thei blush** to the erthe. Than thei smyten in amonge hem and began to do so well that alle hadde merveile how they myght it suffre or endure. Ther began agayn the turnement on bothe partyes, and well thei dide in armes on that oon part and that other, till it drough towarde evenesonge, that the thre kynges descended from the paleise and com into the place whereas was the turnement, and saugh that thei heilde hem even like, that noon ne wiste wele whiche hadde the better. Than com the thre kynges and hem departed and seide it was tyme to cesse, for it was to late eny more to turney. And so were they departed, and eche yede to his ostell to resten, for therto hadde thei nede and gret myster, for many were ther hurte. And the kynges yede to here evesonge, and than thei yede to soper, and after begonne the carolles and to speke of the turnemente, and asked oon of an- other how hem semed of whom that hadde don beste. And thei seide that the Kynge Ban hadde fifteen knyghtes that hadde don alther beste more than eny other; and on that other part were eight that hadde don merveiles in armes, and gretly hadde they traveylled and peyned, and moche were thei to alowe. Thus heilde they here tales longe, and alwey they yaf the loos and the pris to Kay the Stiward and to Lucas the Boteller and to Gifflet the sone of Do. These were the thre that beste hadde don, and oft tymes justed and in every nede were redy. Whan the tables were up, arisen the thre kynges and the archebisshop and Antor and Guynebans, that was brother to the two kynges. Than thei yede into a cham- ber that was besyde the halle, towarde the gardyn up the River of Temse, and with hem yede tweyne that ne ought not to be foryeten -- that was Ulfin and Bretell. And so thei pleide and spake togeder of many thinges. Than [King Arthur] beheilde Ulfin and Bretell, and than he gan to laugh, for he bethought hym on the wordes that Merlin hadde hym tolde, whan thei were gon on his message, how thei were a**ailed in the deserte of seven knyghtes, and how thei dide hem deliver. Than the kynge cleped hem bothe and comaunded hem be the feith that thei hym oughten, that thei sholde hym telle all the trouthe, how thei hadde spedde in theire message. Whan thei herde the kynge thus speke, that oon loked on the tother and begonne to smyle. And Bretell ansuerde thekynge, that thought well he it knewe thourgh Merlin, and seide, "Sir, wherto sholde we telle you oure spede in oure jurney, for as wele ye do it knowe as we oureself, thourgh hym that hath it tolde, and therfore it were but speche loste." Than seide the Kynge Ban, "Who is that that hath hym this tolde?" "Certein, sir, the wisest man of the worlde." "And where is he?" quod Ban, "and what is his name?" "Sir," quod Bretell, "it is Merlin, and he resteth in my chamber here- ynne, and by his counseile hath my lorde sente after yow." "Sir," quod Kynge Ban, "lete hym come hider, for we have moche disired hym for to see, for the merveiles that we have herde of hym spoken." And Arthur seide that so wolde he do with gode will. And than he sente Ulfin for hym, and therwith anoon entred Merlin into the chamber agein Ulfin and seide "returne"; and so thei wente before the kynge and asked wherefore he hadde sente hym to seche. And the Kynge Ban blissed hym for the merveile that he hadde, how he myght knowe these thingis, and Merlin seide, "Therof no forse, for hereafter ye shull wite inough." Than he began to telle a party of his lif; and than com forth Guynebande the clerke and opposed hym of dyverse thynges, for he was a profounde clerke. And Merlyn hym ansuerde to alle the questiouns that he asked, the very trouthe as it was; and so indured longe the disputacion betwene hem tweyne. And at laste Merlin seide that all for nought he traveylede, "For," quod he, "the more thow sechest, the more shalt thow fynde." And than seide Merlin to hem that were aboute hym that he hadde never founde no clerke that ever hadde spoke to hym of so high clergie -- ne not Blase that was so holy a man -- ne cowde not so moche enquere. Wherto sholde I make yow longe tale? But longe thei spake togeder so that the toon was well aqueynted with that other, and well thei loved togeder. And whan the disputaciouns were don, Merlin com to the two kynges that were his brethern and seide, "Lordynges, ye be worthi men and of high renoun, and also ye beth right feithfull and trewe. And lo, here the Kynge Arthur that ought to be youre lorde, and of hym sholde ye holde youre londes and do hym homage. And he ought to helpe yow and to socoure agein alle men, yef ye havenede." And thei seide, "Merlin, now telle us how he was chosen to be kynge, and wherfore, and yef Antor knowe whether he be the sone of Uterpendragon." And Merlin seide, "Ye, withoute faile." Than he tolde hem alle the thinges like as was befalle, so that the archebisshop and Ulfin it recorded. "Merlin," quod the Kynge Ban, "we will that thow make us sure of oon thinge that we shall aske, for so moche we knowe in yow that ye will not to us sey no lesynge for all the londe that longeth to the crowne." "A ha!" quod Merlin, "ye desire to have me sworn that it be trewe that I sey." And thei begonne to laugh and seide that ther nas noon so wise as was he in no reame. And Merlin seide, "I graunte youre requeste and youre desire." And so thei toke respite till on the morn. Thus ended theire parlament, and [they] departed and yede to bedde; and the thre kynges and the archebishop lay in oon chamber, for they wolde not departe on sondre. And moche Guynebande aqueynted hym with Merlin, that taught hym many grete maistries and many feire pleyes. And Guynebande well hem undirstode, as he that was wise and a grete clerke, so that he wrought somme of the craftes ofte in the Bloy Breteyne that longe tyme after endured, and as it shall hereafter reherse. Whan these thre kynges weren abedde and at her ese that nyght, the storye seith that they lay till on the morn that thei ronge to messe right erly, for it was a litill afore Halowmesse. Than com Merlin and awoke hem, and opened the two wyndowes towarde the gardyn, for he wolde that thei hadde lyght therynne. And they hem clothed and arayed and yede to the mynster, and the archebisshop sange the messe. And than Merlin dide swere before the kynges that Arthur was the sone of Uterpendragon, and that he was begeten on the Quene Ygerne that nyght that the Duke was slayn, and that he was the moste rightfull heire that the londe myght holde. After that swore Ulfin that, so God hym helpe and alle seyntes, that it was trewe all as Merlin hadde rehersed. Whan the two kynges hadde take the oth of these two, anoon thei dide to Kynge Arthur their homage full debo*erly as wasright; and the kynge hem receyved with gode herte and sympilliche with wepynge, and than thei kiste with gode herte for grete love. And than was the joye more than before. And than thei yede up into the halle to mete, and thei were served as high men ought to be. And after mete, Arthur and Merlin wente togeder to counseile, and the two kynges that were brethern, and Ulfin and Bretell and Kay the Stywarde. Thanne seide Merlyn, "Feire lordynges, ye be alle worthy men and trewe, and I knowe yow alle as wele or beter than ye do youreself. And lo, here youre lorde the Kynge Arthur that is right a worthi man, and a gode knyght shall he be of his honde. And ye knowe well that grete wronge that is do to hym by his barouns of his londe, that will not resceyve hym for their lorde ne do to hym homage as thei ought to do of right, but besy hem to greve hym with all her power. And therfore I pray yow do as I shall yow counsell, and knowe it well that it shall be the beste counseile that I may yow yeve." And they seide thei wolde do like as he wolde devise, and he [hem] thanked debo*erly. And than he seide, "Lordynges, se here the kynge that hath no wif; and I knowe a mayden that is kynges doughter and quenes and of right high lynage, and also she is right feire and of grete valour that no lady ne may have more. And that is the doughter of Kynge Leodegan of Carmelide, that is now an olde man and hath no mo children but this doughter, whos name is Gonnore, to whom the londe moste falle after his discesse. And he hath grete werre agein the Kynge Rion that is of the lynage of geauntes, and he is right riche and right puyssaunt, and yef it happe that he conquere the reame of Carmelide that marcheth to the reame of Logres that is Arthures, wite it well that Arthur ne shall not longe kepe his londe in pees. And alle the dayes of his lif he shall have werre on alle partees. "And ne were the Knyghtes of the Rounde Table, that deffende the reame of Kynge Leodegan agein the geauntes, thei sholde have all his londe wasted and distroied. And therfore I counseile yow that ye take with yow certein of youre peple and go with Arthur and abide with the Kynge Leodegan a yere or two, till that ye be with hym well aqueynted. And ye shull but litill while be ther but he shall love yow better than theym that with hym now [be] ther. And knowe it wele that he shall profer Arthur his doughter to be his wif, and therby shall he have his reame all quyte. Ne never after that the geauntes knowe that he hath her wedded shull they not be so hardy to abyde in the contré ne nygh it by a journey."

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