צ×××ת ×ר××× ××ת×× ×ש ×××× ×× ×¤×רצ×× ×¦×××ת ARALLU ××× ××¢××¨× ×ס××××ת ×× ×©××××× ××××××× ×××××× ×× ××××¢×× ××¢× ××ק×××ת ×ק××ש×× ××ר×× ××× ×× ××× ×ר×ת ×ס××××ת ×©× ×צ××ת ××××ª× ××××× ×××× ×ס××£ רק ×× ×ק×× ×ת ס××¤× ×©× ×©××שת ××ת×ת ××××× ×©× × ×¡×××× ×©×× ××פת××ת ×שת××¤×ª× ××××¤× ××ש×××¨×¨× ×ש××× ××ר×× ×¡×××× ××××××× ××× ×ת×××× ×©××ר×× ××× ×ת×××× ×©××ר××! ס×× ×§×××× × × ×××¦× ×ת×ת ××ר ×××ת ××ר×× ×©× ×××× ××× ××©× ××¤×¦×¦× ×תקתקת ×× ×ª×× ××××× × ×××× × ×ת×× ××××× ×××× × ×× ×××××× × ×¡×ª×¢×¨!! ×©× × ×¡×××× ×©×× ××פת××ת ×××××× ×× ××××× ×¡××£ ס××£ ×ת ×××××× ×× ××ר×××! Arallu's Armies From the fire of hell break out the armies of ARALLU Between the streets and alleys they slaughter As great warriors they come And protecting the holy places with their sword The secret caves in the wall Will only bring you blood and d**h The end of religions Will come from the two symbols that are the keys When the dome will open and the demons will be released The worshipers of god will run away like black cats LIKE BLACK CATS! The secret of our existence lies under the temple mount The destiny of humanity ticks like a time-bomb Into the war we were born Inside the war we grow up So in the war we will Attack!! Two symbols that are the keys to hell Will finally bring god to be hung!