Antoine Fuqua - Training Day (Part 4) lyrics


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Antoine Fuqua - Training Day (Part 4) lyrics

68 INT. SMILEY'S HOUSE - BATHROOM - NIGHT 68 Pink carpet and porcelain kitties. They throw Jake into the tub -- shove his face in the drain. Smiley turns on the water -- Jake's blood whirlpooling away. Smiley grabs the shotgun from Moreno. Thumps the bu*t against Jake's head, flips it, shoves the muzzle in his ear. Snicks the shower curtain shut to catch the spatter. SNIPER Do it, eh. SMILEY It's gonna be loud. Close the door. Moreno does. Sniper plugs his ears. Smiley braces for the recoil. Jake is dazed, like steer in a slaughterhouse chute. MORENO Wait. Lemme get his money first. Smiley nods. Moreno searches Jake's pockets, takes his wallet. Pockets forty bucks. Finds the Schoolgirl's pink change purse. Opens it, reacts. MORENO ... dang... He hands it to Smiley. MORENO Here, ese... You are gonna trip out. Smiley opens it. His face goes dead blank. He hands Moreno the shotgun. Whips aside the shower curtain. Starts slugging Jake. Emphasizes each word with a kidney punch. SMILEY Pinchi... game... playing... cop... where'd... you... get... this? JAKE Get what? Get what? Oh, God. Smiley slaps him with the change purse. SMILEY This, stupid. Alonzo give it to you? JAKE No! I found it! SMILEY Where? JAKE MacArthur Park! SMILEY What? Bullsh**! Snick! The curtain closes. Smiley takes the shotgun. Holds it to Jake's temple. Moreno angles for a peek. MORENO Wait up. I can't see. SMILEY If you're religious, go ahead and get in that last prayer. JAKE (sobs) Omigod... she was going to be raped. I was driving with Alonzo. These two crackheads were gonna rape her. I saw them hit her. I stopped them. They were gonna rape her. I swear to God. I stopped it... I gotta kid -- SMILEY -- Shut up, f*ggot! Smiley opens the curtain -- stomps Jake's back -- closes it. SNIPER Blast the fool. Smiley aims, braces for the recoil. Jake croaks: JAKE ... I gotta little girl... Smiley pauses. He eases off the trigger. Pulls a cell phone. Dials. SMILEY We're gonna get to the bottom of your bullsh**. She's my cousin. She's a civilian. Ain't right involving her. He sits on the toilet. Still holding the shotgun to Jake's head, he waits for an answer. INTERCUT: 69 INT. LETTY'S BEDROOM - NIGHT 69 The Schoolgirl works out Algebra II proofs on a "Hello Kitty" bedspread in a pink T-shirt. Boy band posters. She grabs her RINGING PHONE. SCHOOLGIRL Hello? SMILEY Wa**up, Letty. Whatcha doin'? LETTY (SCHOOLGIRL) Hey, Smiley! Just here doing homework. Wanna talk to Tony? SMILEY No. I wanna talk to you. Go to school today? LETTY Yep. Yep. SMILEY All day? You didn't ditch? LETTY Nope. I went to every cla**... Why? SMILEY I heard different. LETTY Nuh-uh. SMILEY Cops talk to you today? LETTY No. SMILEY Tell me what happened. Don't bullsh** me. LETTY I got jumped by two n******gs. SMILEY You got jumped? LETTY Well... I think they wanted to rape me. I kinda got hit. I mean he just slapped me. But nothing happened, okay? 'Cause this cop came and kicked their bu*ts. They almost k**ed him but he kicked their a**es. a beat. SMILEY What did this cop look like? LETTY He was a white boy. He looked young. Smiley looks at Jake. That's him. SMILEY Sure you're okay? LETTY I'm fine. Nothing happened. SMILEY That don't sound like nothing. Wanna go to the doctor? LETTY No. I said I'm fine. SMILEY Letty. LETTY Yeah? SMILEY What were you doing in East Los? LETTY I was just kicking back at my friend's pad. There weren't no guys or nothing. I swear to God. Letty. Yeah? SMILEY You go there again, I'm gonna beat your a**. I got your bus pa** and I.D. Gonna send 'em over. And we're gonna talk more about this. A70 INT. SMILEY'S HOUSE - BATHROOM - NIGHT A70 He hangs up. Looks at Jake a long beat. Soaked, bloody, shivering. Click. He safeties the shotgun. Tosses it to a disappointed Moreno. MORENO Ain't you gonna blast him? SMILEY The vato was tellin' the truth. Life's a trip, huh? SNIPER This is some trippy-a** sh**. Smiley hands the change purse to Sniper. SMILEY Get this to Letty. Smiley stands, turns off the water. He helps Jake to his feet. Unlocks the handcuffs as Jake sways, woozy. SMILEY Thanks for getting my cousin's back. Jake half-smiles, not really sure if he's alive or not. Smiley tosses him a towel. SMILEY Put that on your head. You're gonna stain the carpet. Where they at? Where you book 'em? JAKE I didn't. SMILEY Why not? JAKE Alonzo let them go. Smiley scowls. Regards Jake a beat, the wheels turning, Smiley's a smart guy. He offers Jake his hand. SMILEY You know this sh** was just business. JAKE I Know they shake. 70 EXT. SMILEY'S HOUSE - NIGHT 70 Smiley and Jake exit, the Cholos on the street, they watch him with their jaded, curious eyes. SMILEY Alonzo wants your a** destroyed. Supposed to burn you up on the freeway by your house. Jake looks at Smiley. s**s some blood from his teeth. SMILEY You went Sega today, rookie. You're at that next level. Just play their games and do what you gotta do and you'll be cool. They'll make you Chief. He trades a look with Smiley and walks toward the nearby boulevard. SMILEY Sure you don't wanna ride? CUT TO: JAKE I'm sure. Smiley watching him go, impressed. SMILEY (beat) Hey, cop! Jake stops, turns. Smiley smiles. The first time. SMILEY Remember me. Jake looks at Smiley, grins at the absurdity. CUT TO: 71 EXT./INT. MTA BUS - NIGHT 71 The driver hits the bu*ton and the door opens. Jake climbs aboard; the driver is looking at his battered face. Jake taps the badge on his belt. Pulls sixty bucks from his pocket. JAKE I need one of your shoes. The driver gives him a look, unties her shoe. Hands it to Jake. JAKE Go straight to the Jungle. Stop only when I say. Cool. Jake jerks his head -- "Hurry up." He picked the right driver; her sock-clad foot stomps the gas pedal. The bus lurches forward. The bus drives away under Jake's walking feet. He turns and is scooped right into the back seat. Jake's ridden a lot of busses. 72 EXT./INT. MTA BUS - NIGHT 72 Jake pulls his gun. Gives it a quick function check. He pulls the shoelace from the shoe. Ties the gun to his hand. Jake catches his reflection in the window, contemplates himself. CUT TO: 73 EXT. STREET (NEAR CUL-DE-SAC) - NIGHT 73 The city bus FILLS FRAME. Then pulls away to reveal Jake. JAKE'S POV A battered stranger. His reflection moving across the streetlifee in b.g. Down the block is the cul-de-sac. No man's land. Quiet and dark, the streetlights have been shot out. 74 EXT. CUL-DE-SAC - NIGHT 74 Jake enters, wary. He rounds the misparked van. The G-ride parked in a gra**y lot. Jake glimpses the Little Kid on the bike disappear down a driveway. Jake notes a glowing cigarette on an apartment rooftop. Across the street, Jake sees rooftop movement, as someone takes cover. CLICK-CLACK as a rooftop shadow co*ks a RIFLE. Jake is on a mission, undeterred. ON HOUSE A porchlight turns off. The curtain moves in the window. COUPLE G'S kick it on a wall. Veteran soldiers ready for anything. They watch Jake pa** with tough stoic faces. Jake continues toward Sara's building. Where a GANGSTER stands with crossed arms, Jake's an irritant, not a threat. GANGSTER 'Sup, rookie. You got business here? Jake looks up at Sara's apartment. JAKE Yeah. I'm here for Alonzo. The Gangster opens the gate for him. Jake climbs the stairs to Sara's apartment. CUT TO: 75 INT. SARA'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 75 The TV is ON in the living room. Sara's boy plays on the floor. TAPPING AT the WINDOW. The boy sees it's Jake, who smiles, points at the door. The little boy crosses, unlocks the door. Jake enters quickly, grabs the boy and hides him in a bookcase with little doors at the bottom. JAKE Shhh. It's okay. Lay down. The boy looking at Jake as he closes the door. Jake hears GIGGLING O.S. Crosses to the bedroom door. Wham! Jake kicks it open. 76 INT. SARA'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT 76 Jake barges through the door, gun ready. Sara jumps from the bed, clutching a sheet. Alonzo is dressed down, ready for his important rendezvous. Finishing counting and repacking Roger's money into a war bag of police gear. Twenty-two pounds worth of Benjamin Franklin. Alonzo spins, reacting as he recognizes the ghost before him. He raises his hands, impressed. Unable to reach his gun sitting on the dresser by his wallet. JAKE Smiley didn't want the job. ALONZO Goddamn, Jake. Lemme shake your hand. You did it, you pa**ed the test. You a man now. Alonzo offers his hand. Jake scoffs. Alonzo reaches for the war bag. Real slow. He fishes a smoke from the pack inside. Lights it. ALONZO sh** I've been through. sh** I've seen. Took me a long time to get where you are. Now you on, Jake. Now you're a real narc. I held your hand through hell. You just gonna stand there holding your sh** on me? Wa**up? Alonzo glances at a clock, it's 11:30, time's wasting. Jake follows his eye-line to the clock. JAKE f** your little rendezvous. Alonzo reacts, surprised Jake knows all. JAKE I got your number, homie. You're worse than a gangster. They ain't hiding behind badges. ALONZO (holds out his hands) Then hook and book me. For what? You shot Roger when you were whacked on P.C.P. and ran off like a maniac. Got witnesses? Smiley? My squad? My loyal troopers? Tell your tales. We'll tell the truth. It's not what you know, it's what you can prove. Where's your evidence, Jake? JAKE There's my evidence. Jake nods at the cash. THWACK! Alonzo flicks his cigarette at Jake's face. A blinding explosion of SPARKS. Alonzo dives over the bed, grabbing the war bag of cash. In a rack under the bed is a sawed-off, pump SHOTGUN. Alonzo jerks the trigger -- BOOM! -- PELLETS SIZZLE past Jake's feet as he dives out of the room. ALONZO Jake. Doing good, man. First gunfight. 77 INT. SARA'S APARTMENT - HALLWAY - NIGHT 77 Jake scrambles for the kitchen. KERCHACK -- BOOM! Dives behind the counter as FORMICA EXPLODES around him. ALONZO Know that I am surgical with this baby. Wanna closed casket? Or you want one below the belt? IN LIVING ROOM Sara's boy bolts from his hiding place. Sees Jake and runs toward him. When the child reaches the hall -- Jake swings his pistol on him. Alonzo swings the shotgun. Both men aiming at the terrified child, frozen in the hall. Alonzo smiles, squats in the hall outside the bedroom door and beckons his son closer. ALONZO Shhh, mijo. No llores. Ven aqui, mijo. Vente no llores. Escucha a tu papi. The child looks at Jake. A connection. Jake motions the child toward him. But the child looks to his father. ALONZO Mijo. No, es malo. Es el cucuy. Te va a pegar. El cucuy, mijo. Quiere pegarle a tu mami. Vente, papasito. (Translation: Son, he's bad. He's the boogeyman. He's going to hit your mommy and you. Come here, little man.) Jake must act. He scrambles to his feet, exposing himself. BOOM! Alonzo PEPPERS the FRIDGE. POP-POP! Jake FIRES as he scoops up the boy and dives into the living room. Alonzo seizes the moment to depart, dropping the empty shotgun and disappearing into the bedroom. A78 INT. SARA'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT A78 Jake scrambles into the bedroom, gun ready. JAKE'S POV Sara points toward the open window. Alonzo and the money are gone. CUT TO: 78 EXT. SARA'S APARTMENT - ROOFTOP - NIGHT 78 Alonzo flings the money on the roof, climbs the railing. And pulls himself on the roof. A beat later, Jake exits the window, climbs onto the railing and follows Alonzo onto the roof. 79 EXT. SARA'S APARTMENT - ROOF - NIGHT 79 Alonzo's silhouette running along the treacherous rooftop, takes cover alongside a pigeon coop covered with elaborate graffiti. Alonzo FIRES at Jake. Jake drops, rolls and FIRES back blindly. Alonzo runs for the adjacent roof. Alonzo jumps onto a balcony. Jake runs at full tilt. Toward the edge of the roof. Where nasty coils of razor-wire lay in wait. Jake jumps -- His foot hits rotten plywood -- Jake flies awkwardly through space. 80 EXT. OTHER ROOFTOP - NIGHT 80 Another pigeon coop. Chairs, a card table, potted plants; a little oasis. The edge of the roof approaching fast, and its concertina of razor-wire. Jake's chest hits it -- oof! An iron spike atop a fence a mere inch from his ear. Jake pulls himself onto the roof. Smack! Alonzo nails Jake's face with the war bag of cash. Jake is stunned, Alonzo grabs the gun tied to Jake's hand and both hit the deck. They wrestle as Alonzo gets a finger in the trigger guard -- POP-POP-POP-CLICK! Emptying Jake's PISTOL. Using his gun as bra** knuckles, Jake punches Alonzo's head. Alonzo head-bu*ts Jake, knees him in the crotch. Jake gasps in agony. Alonzo stands, begins stomping Jake's head. Jake rolls out of the way. Alonzo kicking. Jake rolling... Right off the edge of the roof. Jake falls a story to -- THUD! -- a roof below. Alonzo looks down at Jake. Who looks half-dead. Alonzo looks at his watch -- he has 25 minutes. Alonzo spits on Jake and moves on. Alonzo crosses to a stairwell and disappears. 81 EXT. CUL-DE-SAC - NIGHT 81 Alonzo climbs in the G-ride and backs out. The money in his lap. 82 INT. G-RIDE (CUL-DE-SAC) - MOVING - HIGH ANGLE THROUGH 82 FRONT WINDSHIELD - NIGHT Something is falling toward the G-ride -- it's Jake, he jumped off the roof. WHAM! Jake hits hard, denting the roof. Alonzo reacts, punches the gas, whips the wheel hard. Jake rolls onto the hood. Before he smacks the street, Jake extends a hand and snags the windshield wiper. He tries to pull himself up, but the sheet metal wiper bends back on itself. Jake's feet drag along the street. RUBBER GRINDING off his heels. INSERT - WIPER It cuts Jake's hand, now slick with blood. Stress cracks in the sheet metal. The METAL TEARS... BACK TO SCENE The wiper snaps off. With three desperate fingers, Jake grabs the window stanchion, pulls himself back onto the windshield, his bloody face pressed against the gla**, crimson streaks cascade down. Jake begins whipping Alonzo with the wiper in his left hand. Pffck! Pffck! Opens a gash on Alonzo's face as he backs down the street. Alonzo presses a bu*ton and a GUN slides out of the dash, Alonzo grabs it, presses the muzzle against the gla** where Jake's face is. Jake jerks his head -- BAM! A near miss. BAM! Another hole in the gla**. But fortunately not Jake's head. WHAM! The G-RIDE backs into a car. The gun flies from Alonzo's hand, out the window. Jake tumbles off the car onto the street. The G-ride stalls. It didn't get far at all. Alonzo is pretty beat up from the crash. Jake scrambles for the gun, then leans in the window of the G- ride and punches Alonzo several times. Jake grabs the war bag, pulls open the door and yanks Alonzo out onto the street, Jake backs up, sets the war bag at his feet. The porch lights of two houses come on. Steel doors open. People tentatively step outside. Women and children, mothers with babies on their hips. Blue-collar fathers in shop uniforms. The Old Woman appears with two pretty girls. More porch lights come on. A dozen gangsters boil out of a driveway like angry hornets. Lead by the imposing Bench Presser. Gangsters encircle the G-ride. Alonzo stands, faces Jake. JAKE No fun when the rabbit has the gun, is it? ALONZO Someone dome this white boy right now. Jake casts wary sideways glances. The Bench Presser smirks, holds back his people with ma**ive arms. BENCH PRESSER Police business. Alonzo shoots him a look. ALONZO First head that drops this fool is gonna be a rich man! To Alonzo's astonishment, no one moves. He's on his own. Jake's eyes are cooler and blacker than a shark's, pistol at his side. JAKE They're not like you. Know what I learned today? I'm not like you. ALONZO Good. Now what? Gonna k** me? Gonna break your cherry with a cop? Ever done a little k**in', Jake? Just stepped on some ants? Ain't easy. Do it clean, right here, Jake. Alonzo taps his forehead as he takes a step toward Jake. ALONZO 'Cause if I live, I'll be up in Santa Clarita, taking care of that gal I talked to this morning. Sweet voice. She's Chicana, light-skinned. Like to know how a good woman like that feels on the inside. Jake smolders. He aims at Alonzo. Right between the eyes. No. He can't. Jake lowers the gun. Alonzo laughs. Jake realizes Alonzo is stark raving mad. And it's kind of funny. Alonzo sees he isn't getting anywhere. Alonzo turns to the G's. ALONZO C'mon. Someone dump this man. A gun is tossed at Alonzo's feet. A tired old workhorse. Drilled-out numbers, taped-up grips. BENCH PRESSER Put in your own damn work. Jake and Alonzo looking at the gun. Alonzo smiles. He slowly reaches for it. JAKE Don't do it. Alonzo turns his back, steps closer to the gun. ALONZO Wait, shoot me in the back. Guarantee yourself the gas chamber. Know it smells like pine oil? Alonzo reaching for that gun. BAM! Jake SHOOTS Alonzo in the upper thigh. Alonzo growls, taking the pain. He hops on one leg. ALONZO Sonufab**h. You shot me in the a**. JAKE Next one k**s you. Jake grabs the war bag. Loose bills fall around Alonzo. He desperately scrapes them off the street. ALONZO Gimme the money, Jake. C'mon, son. JAKE Not gonna happen. ALONZO Oh, now you dirty? Straight jackin' me, huh? JAKE Told you. It's my evidence. My proof. Wanna go to jail. Or you wanna go home? Jake smikes at Alonzo. JAKE It's street justice. Nothing wrong with that. Right? Alonzo's eyes narrow in hatred. Alonzo rages at the gangsters. ALONZO Disloyal fool-a** b**h-made punks! Put cases on all y'all! Whole crew's going to Folsom. Solitary for life. No human contact. f** y'all. Alonzo looks diminished, broken. Jake's eyes fall to the badge around Alonzo's neck. He smirks at the irony. Then yanks the badge from Alonzo's neck. JAKE You don't deserve this. Jake looks at the gangsters, their faces, the faces of the people around him. He sees satisfaction. Hears murmurs of approval. Jake meets the Bench Presser's gaze, who leans against the G-ride. Pulls a beer from his pocket and cracks it. BENCH PRESSER Better get on outta here. The Bench Presser gives Jake a slight nod of respect and Jake leaves. Alonzo watches Jake go in outraged amazement. Alonzo moves to follow Jake and gets the Bench Presser's gun in his face. The crowd surrounding the G-ride drifts away. People return home. ALONZO That's right. That's right. I'll burn this down. Take it all down. Walk away. See what happens. No one listens. Alonzo has been abandoned save for the gangsters guarding him. He despairs in his defeat. ON JAKE: walking away, the money in hand, his innocence gone. Though there is a heavy burden on his shoulders, there is much strength in his gait. CUT TO: 83 EXT. SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD - NIGHT 83 The G-ride barrels west toward LAX. A 747 in the landing pattern overtakes it, its ENGINES HOWL as it descends. 84 INT. G-RIDE (STREET NEAR LAX) - MOVING - NIGHT 84 Alonzo tears open the head liner, exposing a Glock duct- taped inside the roof. He lays the weapon on the seat next to him, where a ROVER plays routine POLICE CHATTER. Alonzo tears back the head liner more, finds a manila envelope, dumps it on the seat -- there's plane tickets, cash, pesos, pa**ports, travelers' checks, IDs, apartment keys. His getaway kit. A red light ahead. Light cross traffic. Alonzo notes headlights following him. Stops at the light. He takes a pull on a pint of vodka. Wipes his lips with a shaky hand. A van pulls into the intersection to make a left. Too far into the intersection. Alonzo eyes it, wary. The headlights pull up behind him -- another VAN -- SCREECHING to a stop at an angle, blocking him. The side doors on both vans slide open. Gun steel glimmers. This is it. It's going down. Alonzo reaches for his Glock. Hesitates. It's over. Alonzo lifts his chin and braces for what is coming... BRRRDDDDDDDT! Two men in each van open FIRE with heavy AUTOMATIC WEAPONS -- AKs and HK-91s. Muzzle flashes strobe across bandanna-covered faces and shiny eyes. These pros know their weapons. BULLETS PUNCH into Alonzo, the G-Ride. Pa**ing straight through the car, SHATTERING GLASS. Shattering Alonzo. After forever, the weapons are empty. Gun smoke wafts through the intersection. Alonzo, his beloved G-ride, are shredded. Alonzo leans forward, his head hits the HORN. The DOORS of the vans SNAP SHUT. The vans take off in different directions. FOOM! A small FIRE STARTS under the G-ride, leaking fuel and fluids. The flames spread, the interior burns. CLOSE ON FINGERS OF FIRE as they probe out from the bullet holes. CUT TO: 85 INT. JAKE'S CAR - MOVING - NIGHT 85 Jake slowly approaches his house. HIS POV In his driveway is a plush unmarked police sedan. BACK TO SCENE Jake grabs his service nine from his duffle. He parks and gets out. CUT TO: 86 EXT. JAKE'S HOUSE - NIGHT 86 Jake shoves the nine in his waistband and crosses to the sedan. Lou, Doug and Stan exit the car. They've been waiting. STAN Where's the money, Jake? JAKE The evidence room at headquarters. Jake slaps Alonzo's badge on the trunk. STAN That's not necessary. JAKE That's not mine. Doug picks up Alonzo's badge, impressed, pockets it. Before Doug can say anything. JAKE Now leave me the hell alone. With the last of his strength, a battered and mauled Jake limps away. The three wise men climb in their car. The plush sedan backs out of Jake's driveway. Jake enters his house. PULL BACK. Jake's home becomes indistinguishable in a sea of houses. THE END FADE OUT: 

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