Antoine Fuqua - Training Day (Part 3) lyrics


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Antoine Fuqua - Training Day (Part 3) lyrics

46 INT. PACIFIC DINING CAR - BACK ROOM - DAY 46 Leather booths and big, padded chairs. It's empty. Save for a corner table. Three scary 40ish bruisers in immaculate suits, DOUG, STAN, and LOU, share a top-notch cabernet. Doug and Stan see Alonzo, react like they've seen a ghost. Lou turns, sees Alonzo. And quickly stands. It's tense. Like there could be a gunfight. Jake's hand creeps to his gun. Alonzo and Lou converge, trading serious questions and answers with their eyes. Jake watches Stan and Doug. They watch him. Alonzo and Lou grab hands grimly. CUT TO: LOU (softly) I don't know why I'm meeting you. I don't talk to dead men. ALONZO (smiles, winks) Ain't dead yet, you prick. They shake vigorously, smile big. Everyone relaxes. LOU Who the hell is Ricky Rookie? Alonzo grabs Jake's shoulder, pulls him into the huddle. Jake notes none wear shoes. ALONZO This is Jake Hoyt, first day in my squad. Jake shakes Lou's hand. Sees an LAPD Captain's badge on his belt. Jake realizes these guys are police administrators. ALONZO Jake, this is Lou Jacobs. You ever have to talk to a fed, talk to this man first. He'll get your back. JAKE Pleased to meet you, sir. ALONZO This is Stan Gursky, runs the D.A.'s shooting team. Think about him before you pull a trigger, okay? Stan will rock your world if you make a bad call. JAKE (shaking with Stan) Pleased to meet you, sir. ALONZO And this is Doug Rosselli, does high-dollar theft cases for the poodle crowd. Your Pica**o takes a trip, Doug'll find it or die trying. Doug stares at Jake like he's a bug as they shake. Jake withers a little. JAKE Pleased to meet you, sir. Lou takes Alonzo's arm. LOU Have a seat, guy. Alonzo slides into a leather chair at their table. ALONZO Shoo, boy. Shoo. He points out the corner table for Jake. Jake crosses, sits, his back to their table. LOU Seems like a good kid. ALONZO Why the long face, Doug? Feds seize your house or something? Chuckles from Lou and Stan. DOUG Spent twelve months trying to catch this serial burglar. A real slickster, gave up nothing. Captain rode my a** the entire time. What broke it? Luck. Caught in the act by a patrolman. We had him. Prosecutor's first major case but he slam-dunked it. From a stepladder. Jury deliberates half a day. Comes back guilty on ten out of eleven counts. The sh**bag was looking at a twenty-five minimum. STAN Minimum. Bye-bye, toilet-licker. DOUG Sentencing was today -- LOU -- Judge is female. DOUG Right. Landers. ALONZO I know her. Sharp lady. DOUG Before this guy goes to the hearing, he gets a hold of some peanut bu*ter and packs his a** crack with it. He's standing tall before the bench to give his statement, shoves his hand down his pants and comes out with a gob of f**in' extra-chunky Jiff. Coulda heard a pin drop. Bailiffs wouldn't come near him. He looks the judge right in her eyes and licks his fingers clean. Holy sh**. The judge, she screams. All these homeowners are there to read statements, they run out screaming. Alonzo is breaking up. Stan and Lou too. ON JAKE laughing too. DOUG No wait, here's the punchline. Judge orders him to psychiatric. STAN f**er'll do six months in the puzzle factory before they say he's normal and kick him loose. DOUG Won't do a day in prison. ALONZO If the a**hole's clever enough to play the system like that, I say he earned his freedom. DOUG I see him on the street, I'm gonna f**in' do him. ALONZO Take his bullets, Stan. ALONZO Hey, listen, been showing my new guy around town. Scored some reefer for him to smoke. But he wouldn't. So I run through the whole bit, the gun to the head. Everything. 'Okay,' he says. I light up and it stinks like burnt rubber, right? Nevertheless, I pa** it to him. The detectives grin knowingly. STAN You're an a**hole. DOUG Kid's gotta learn. ALONZO We're in MacArthur Park and he starts screaming and jumps out of my car. The detectives are hooked. So is... Jake. Listening, sipping water. ALONZO So I chase him down this alley and, holy sh**, he's jamming two huge crackheads and there's this mamacita with a bloody nose. Kid stopped a rape. STAN No sh**. LOU Kid's got a magic eye. ALONZO That's what I told him. Kid's a prince. Jake beams with beer-buzzed pride. ON DETECTIVES ALONZO His first day on the squad and know what he tells me? (pathetic voice) 'You're a rogue cop.' Roars of laughter from the Detectives. ON JAKE He turns, sees it's a serious pow-wow. Overhears: STAN Heard you had an expensive weekend in Vegas. How'd you screw up so bad? ALONZO How could I know? Vegas ain't my town. I'm not omniscient. LOU You should hop a jet outta here. ALONZO Why? It's an easy fix. LOU Whose? ALONZO One of mine. My first. The three suits shudder, trade looks. LOU You're messed up. STAN How? ALONZO I can cash out an account. ALONZO He's a security risk. Who's gonna keep him off the radar if I'm gone. You? I'm taxing him. A beat. Stan acquiesces. STAN It's your call. Do not dick this up. I do not want you on the front page with the rest of those a**holes. Alonzo smiles. And the men speak in hushed tones. Jake turns to look. JAKE'S POV Lou, Doug, Stan and Alonzo stare back at him. BACK TO SCENE Jake snaps his eyes to his plate. The men murmur. The Waiter arrives with Jake's steak. WAITER You should know when not to listen. Jake reacts. The Waiter quickly exits. Jake looks at his steak. Pushes away the plate. CUT TO: 47 EXT. PACIFIC DINING CAR - DAY 47 Alonzo and Jake exit. It's obvious something big is going down. Alonzo is excited, happy, the raid jacket underarm. He crosses to the valet. ALONZO Gimme the keys for the grey one. Alonzo receives a key ring. Alonzo crosses to one of three plush unmarked police sedans in the lot. Jake watches him open the trunk and empty his jacket inside. Alonzo returns the keys to the valet. CUT TO: 48 INT. G-RIDE (6TH STREET INTO DOWNTOWN) - MOVING - DAY 48 Alonzo drives away. Dials his cell phone. ALONZO It's me. We gotta green light. Fax the warrant to the clerk and tell her to get the judge to sign it. I want you and Paul to bring it to location one. Have Jeff get some picks and shovels. Sign 'em out from maintenance. Copy that? (beat) Good. Hurry up. He hangs up. JAKE How much was in your jacket? ALONZO Forty G's. JAKE What for? ALONZO You wanna know? JAKE I wanna know. ALONZO Nothing's free in this world. Not even an arrest warrant. Jake didn't want to know. JAKE Who's it for? ALONZO A real bag of sh**. A genuine bad guy. Been investigating this vile ba*tard for ten years. He's a big fish in a big pond. Today I fry him. The squad's gonna get some glory. Talkin' name-making sh**. We'll be getting handshakes from the Chief and Mayor. Wanna piece, new guy? A beat. Jake smiles. Sounds good. JAKE Hell, yeah. I wanna piece. ALONZO Knew you would. 49 EXT. PARKING GARAGE - DAY 49 Near downtown. An unmarked police sedan waits. The G-Ride parks next to it. Alonzo and Jake exit. Out of the sedan steps MARK, a Chicano clothes horse in Italian silk. And PAUL, a steely-eyed, heavyset black guy. JEFF and TIM exit, clean-cut white guys, Jeff has a mullet. Tim is generic but tough-looking. JEFF Nice suit, Mark. TIM Beautiful suit. Now Alonzo and Jake get out. Six cops huddled in an alley. Jake fits right in with the motley bunch. Mark hands Alonzo the warrant. ALONZO Thanks. (to Jeff and Tim) My picks and shovels? JEFF In the trunk. CUT TO: MARK Gonna dig a ditch? ALONZO You are. Great suit. MARK Shut up. ALONZO (shakes with Paul) Howdy, k**er. PAUL Alonzo, what the hell's going on? I've been hearing things. You good? ALONZO Don't worry. I talked to the three wise men. It's all good. His men trade looks, they have total trust in him. Jake is a little nervous. PAUL You say we get away with it, let's hit this fool -- Who's this? JAKE Jake Hoyt. First day in the unit. I'm coming from Valley patrol. He holds out his hand. Paul scoffs. PAUL You're a long way from Starbucks. (to Alonzo) Why's he in on this sh**? ALONZO Gotta pop his cherry sometime. PAUL (to Jake; peeved) Stay the hell outta my way, little puppy. This is big dog work. Alonzo notes Jake's unease, shows him the warrant. ALONZO It's the real deal. Signed by the judge. Thank the Sandman. (addresses everyone) Our safety comes first. He gives us sh**, we give him lead. Let's do this right so everyone can go home and do the wife and girl friend thing tonight. (checks his watch) Suit up, ladies. Time to punch in. 50 EXT. ROGER'S HOUSE (ALLEY) - FENCE - DAY 50 Five cops crouch outside a gate with shotguns, MP-5s. Assault vests and helmets worn over civvies. Jake and Jeff to one side. Paul, Mark and Tim to the other. Alonzo crosses to the gate with boltcutters and snaps the padlock. The five cops open the gate and run to -- 51 EXT. ROGER'S HOUSE - BACK YARD - DAY 51 The back door of the little house. Paul and Mark kick it open. Wood splinters. The five cops rush inside. 52 INT. ROGER'S HOUSE - DAY 52 The cops run through the kitchen into a familiar living room. A familiar one -- This is Roger's house. Jake is surprised, confused. Roger reads on the couch, the morning paper. He's nonplussed to find himself surrounded by police, weapons. MARK Freeze up! You need to not move, breathe, think or blink. ROGER What are you clowns doing here? PAUL Shut up! -- New guy! His hands move, blast him. Jake aiming his shotgun at Roger's head. CUT TO: JAKE I'm on him. Roger, holding his newspaper, recognizes Jake. ROGER You know what you're doing, son? Jake nods: yes. The truth is; he doesn't. PAUL Drop what's in your hands. Before zero. Five. Four. Three. Two. CLUNK-CLUNK! Two tiny derringers hit the coffee table. Roger had been palming them. Paul sweeps them aside with his foot. The cops relax a little. Roger folds his paper. Sets it down, takes off his reading gla**es. A principal besieged by truants. ROGER Alonzo's gonna k** you guys. Alonzo enters the shattered door. Holding picks, shovels. He drops the tools. They crash to the floor. Roger crosses his arms and glares at his friend. ROGER What's going down, Alonzo? ALONZO I had lunch with the three wise men. You gotta render unto Caesar. Roger sees the tools and knows exactly what they are for. ROGER Those goddamn vampires want my pension. ALONZO No, man, it's not like that. You're just getting taxed. They got their boat payments and God knows what. I'm sorry. They're makin' me do it. I'm just a lowly civil servant. ROGER Bullsh**. You're their b**h. What happens with me? ALONZO Don't worry, bro. I promised you'd never go back to prison. I got your back. You won't even miss what I'm gonna take. I hate doing this. Orders is orders. Sorry, dog. ROGER No, you ain't. Cop. ALONZO (to Tim and Jeff) You guys are gonna work. Get the tools. (grabs Jake's shotgun) Gimme the boomer. Tim and Jeff gather the tools. Alonzo hands Jake a pick and leads the three men to the kitchen. Roger pours a slug of Crown Royal as Paul and Mark guard him. ROGER Who's paying for my floor? ALONZO The city 53 INT. ROGER'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY 53 Alonzo flips the table. Taps the floor with his toe. ALONZO Open the floor. Right here. Jake, Tim and Jeff begin chopping. It's quick work to tear a large hole in the wood. ALONZO Hop in, Hoyt. Couple a feet down, there's a locker. Jake jumps in. Attacking dirt with his pick. CUT TO: 54 INT. ROGER'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY (10 MINUTES LATER) 54 Jake, Tim and Jeff haul a trash-bag-wrapped footlocker out of the hole. JAKE What's in it? ALONZO Open it. Jake tears away trash bags. Alonzo takes a pick and snaps the lock. Jake opens the lid -- taped bundles inside. JAKE It's coke? Alonzo hands him a penknife. ALONZO Cut the damn thing open. Jake does -- it is a brick of fifty dollar bills. Alonzo is relieved to see the money. Jake likes its heft. JAKE This is sweet. ALONZO That's a hundred grand in your hot little hands. There's four million bucks in there. Alonzo slaps Jake's back. ALONZO First day on the job and you're in on a three million dollar seizure. JAKE You said four. ALONZO Told you, nothing's for free. Gotta grease the rails to make the big moves. Alonzo grabs a shopping bag. Tosses bricks of fifties in it. Hands it to Jake. ALONZO Here. Lucky to get this, day-one- motherf**er. JAKE What's this? ALONZO Sweet green clean legal tender. Start the kid's college fund early. Get the old lady a minivan. However pleasant the heft, Jake could never accept. He returns the shopping bag to Alonzo. JAKE No way. Only checks I cash say City of L.A. on 'em. JEFF Someone didn't sleep through Ethics. ALONZO You said you wanted a piece. JAKE Not like this. ALONZO I understand. I'll hold on to it for you. Not everyone's comfortable the first time -- Let's wrap up. Alonzo drops the bag in the locker. Exits. Jake, Tim and Jeff follow. CUT TO: 55 INT. ROGER'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY 55 Roger reads a Vegas odds paper. Alonzo, Tim, Jeff and Jake enter. Roger glares at Alonzo. ROGER What have I done to those guys? Are they nuts? Am I supposed to stand still and let them horsef** me? ALONZO No. We can put you out of your misery. Alonzo tosses Jake the shotgun. ALONZO Lemme tell you a secret, Hoyt. If you k** someone on duty, they have to be your slave in the afterlife. (points to Roger) There you go. Start an entourage. JAKE You want me to shoot him? Paul, Mark, Tim and Jeff snicker, crack smiles. Roger too. Jake plays along, points the shotgun at Roger. ROGER You'd be doin' me a favor, kid. JAKE Bang -- There. He lowers the weapon. ALONZO Not gonna do it? JAKE Of course not. This isn't funny. Alonzo smiles. Takes the shotgun from him. ALONZO Man, youngsters these days. Can't get sh** done unless you do it yourself. Alonzo aims at Roger. Roger suddenly understands. ROGER This is all you... BOOM! Roger is punched ragged with BUCKSHOT, lifted off his couch, knocked into the wall. Jake jumps back. A peal of laughter from Tim. Contagious giggles from the others. Roger gurgles. Jake stares wide-eyed at Alonzo. JAKE Holy sh**! Jake's shock elicits more giggles from the squad. PAUL Finish him. Jake watches Alonzo cross to Roger, blindly gasping. ALONZO He's finished. Alonzo takes one of Roger's derringers from the floor. Slaps it in the dying man's hand. ALONZO C'mere, Jeff. You took fire coming through the door. Jeff smiles, gets in position so Alonzo can shoot him. JEFF Alright. Gonna get some time off. He braces himself. Alonzo aims Roger's hand. Pop! A BULLET THWACKS harmlessly into Jeff's VEST. He removes his sungla**es from a pocket. JEFF Watch my shades. Jake looking at Roger, it's hard to watch a man die. Again Jeff braces. Pop! The THWACK of another BULLET. Jeff probing his hand under the vest. ALONZO How's that? JEFF Fine. Alonzo drops the gun in an envelope marked: EVIDENCE HANDGUN. Jake can't believe what he just saw. ALONZO Listen up. This is the scenario. Mark and Paul kick the door. Jeff is first through. Roger opens fire. Hits Jeff twice. Jeff coughs -- bright foamy blood in his hand. JEFF Oh, sh**. ALONZO One go through? Jeff answers by coughing more blood. Tim runs to him. TIM Siddown, dude. Jeff does. Tim opens the vest -- a hole in a seam on the edge. Underneath, bruised puckered flesh drools blood. TIM You shot him! JEFF You shot me! TIM Call a rescue. ALONZO You're fine. You'll get a medal. JEFF Call the R.A.! ALONZO Let me quarterback the goings on and I will. Okay -- Mark and Paul kick the door. First through is Jeff. Bang. Bang. Gets hit. Wounded. Second through is our new guy, Hoyt. He drops the suspect with some fine shotgun work. (points at Mark) Who shot Roger? MARK The new guy. Came in spraying. ALONZO Paul? PAUL The boot shot him. ALONZO What'd you guys see? TIM Hoyt blasted him. JEFF Hoyt went for it -- Now will you get me a damn rescue ambulance? Jake looks at these guys. They look back, smiling, smirking. He feels dizzy, sick as the nightmare sinks in. Jeff coughs blood. Alonzo tosses his rover to Paul. PAUL (into rover) Eleven forty-nine. Nine-nine- eight. Shots fired. Shots fired. Officer down. Fifty-nine fifty- one Baxter Street. ALONZO (slaps Jake's back) Good job, son. Congratulations. Gonna get a medal of valor. JAKE ... I didn't shoot him... ALONZO Roomful of cops says you did. JAKE I don't care. I didn't shoot him. ALONZO You did. Alonzo pulls his gun. Aims at Jake's face. ALONZO (as a newscaster) A Los Angeles Police Department narcotics officer was k**ed serving a high risk warrant in Echo Park today. An L.A.P.D. spokesperson said the young officer was survived by his wife and infant child. (himself) sh** gets deeper. Get the picture? JAKE I got the picture. Jake strikes -- twists back Alonzo's gun sharply -- sweeps away his legs with a kick. Alonzo finds himself on his back, Jake's knee on his neck, staring down the maw of his own pistol. JAKE That's the second time you've stuck a gun in my face. Won't be a third. ALONZO That's what I'm talking about. You guys watching this? That's it, Jake. Paul presses his Beretta against Jake's temple. PAUL Be my pleasure putting a hydrashock in your melon. Tim, Jeff, Mark gawk at the Mexican standoff. PAUL But I'm gonna be cool. Open your hand slowly. Drop the weapon. Jake's free hand inches to his holstered gun -- JAKE (super-calm) Hey, sorry, man. Relax, okay? -- and snatches it -- He swings on Tim -- who swings his .45 on Jake. A three-way standoff. JAKE Wanna shoot me, Paul? Go ahead. Because these two are gonna be wiping my a** in the netherworld. A beat. Then: TIM Alonzo. This is bad. PAUL This dude's a fed. ALONZO He's no fed. Just a choirboy with heart who got the drop on you fools. Everyone, let's take a deep breath and defuse this -- Jake? You hear me? JAKE You can't just spring this sh** on me. I never signed up for this. ALONZO I hear you. I know you're angry-- Paul, Tim, please put down your guns. TIM Hell no. PAUL Choirboy first. SIRENS APPROACH. Lots of them. ALONZO Both of you: guns down. Now. Paul and Tim reluctantly lower their weapons. Jake lifts his knee off Alonzo's neck, stands and backs away, aiming both pistols at Alonzo, who climbs to his feet. ALONZO Jake, use your ears and listen. Sometimes we take sh** all the way. That's the nature of the game. We don't do this every day. No one will ever again ask you to pull a trigger you don't want to-- Mark, where're you transferring to? MARK Westside Homicide. ALONZO Westside Homicide -- Just made detective. Jake, give me eighteen months and I'll give you a career. We make the big arrests. We make the big seizures. When someone's in my unit they're in all the way or not at all. I thought you were man enough to handle this sh**. Alonzo calmly pours himself a gla** of Roger's whisky. ALONZO Five proven, decorated officers say you were the shooter. Investigators are gonna pull a tube of your blood and test for intoxicants. Remember all the P.C.P. you smoked today? Jake does, wincing at his stupidity. JAKE You've been planning this all day. ALONZO I've been planning this all week. You start talking crazy sh**, I will make sure your dirty blood makes it to the lab. Still wanna walk your babynuts around the block? You won't make it to the corner. But if you're cool. You're a hero. A virgin shooter above suspicion. Jake looks at Roger, gasping like a beached carp. The SIRENS are getting CLOSER. Alonzo gulps his drink and

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