Antoine Fuqua - Training Day (Part 2) lyrics


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Antoine Fuqua - Training Day (Part 2) lyrics

23 EXT. CRENSHAW BOULEVARD - DAY 23 ON DEALER wheeling away. He sees Jake, speeds up. Then suddenly darts into a wig shop. A24 INT. WIG SHOP - DAY A24 The Dealer heads for the back. Where a door leads out to an alley. He reaches for the door handle. Jake tackles him. Gets the Dealer in a compliance hold and cuffs him. Alonzo enters the store, badges the owner. ALONZO Love doing that, huh? Jake searches the Dealer as rows of display heads stare with blind eyes. ALONZO Who you work for, sh**stain? DEALER Can't work. I'm on disability. ALONZO Bullsh**. You crackin'. Jake finishes searching. ALONZO No rocks? JAKE No rocks. DEALER (laughing) Aw, dang. See? Y'all ain't got sh**. The man comin' up short again. Alonzo glares. ALONZO I never come up short, fool. Open your mouth. The Dealer does. Sensing to not play with Alonzo. ALONZO Lift your tongue. He does. DEALER See. I ain't be gottin' sh**. ALONZO Gimme a pen. Jake does. Alonzo grabs the Dealer's neck. Forces the pen in his mouth. Down his throat. He gags -- urgh! Vomits. DEALER sh**, man! Jake is stunned. Alonzo inspects the spattered sidewalk. Sees Saran-wrapped rocks. ALONZO Lookie those. DEALER That's corn. ALONZO That's Jimmy crack corn and I don't care. One, two, three, four, five... six. How'd you swallow that sh** without water? DEALER This is bullsh**! Civil rights violatin' motherf**ers. Alonzo slaps him. ALONZO Gonna act like a man or a b**h?! Got you cold. Wanna go to jail? Or go home? Gimme a name. The Dealer mulls it over. DEALER He in County. ALONZO Who? DEALER Sandman. He's shot callin'. ALONZO Unhook him, Hoyt. (to Dealer) You on my team now. Be seeing you, homie. Jake unlocks the cuffs. Alonzo steps over the vomit and crack. ALONZO And collect the evidence. JAKE Hell no. ALONZO You're learning. 24 INT. G-RIDE (WATTS) - MOVING - DAY 24 Jake keeps looking at Alonzo, half impressed, half appalled. ALONZO What? JAKE You don't give a sh**. That stuff doesn't fly anymore. What if that guy complains? CUT TO: ALONZO To who? JAKE Look, I like my badge. Alonzo gives a rea**uring look, dials a cell phone. ALONZO Afternoon, Bob. It's Alonzo. Got your gang book? (beat) I need a res. Sandman from Mobsters... might be in custody. (beat) Okay, shoot. Alonzo jots the information on a note pad. ALONZO Thank you, sir. That's gonna do it. Have a good one. Alonzo hangs up. Shows Jake the address with a grin. JAKE We go after the Sandman? ALONZO We go after the Sandman. Jake smiles. 25 EXT. SANDMAN'S STREET - DAY 25 Near 13th and Mona Blvd. Graffiti on a wall: "MOBSTERS HOOD -- SANDMAN." The G-Ride glides INTO FRAME and OUT. ANGLE The G-Ride parks in front of a house. Alonzo and Jake exit. Alonzo pops the trunk. Inside is a microwave box, toaster, a boom box, a TV. JAKE Gonna open a Circuit City? ALONZO It's unclaimed sh** from property. I pa** it out to informants, victims, witnesses. Help their families out. Alonzo fishes out an LAPD Windbreaker, "POLICE" across the back. Hands it to Jake. ALONZO Wear that. Intel says his wife's in the residence with two female juveniles and a possible male juvenile. JAKE If he's not here, why are we here? Alonzo pulls a paper out of his pocket, unfolds it. ALONZO We gotta serve this search warrant. It's the Chinese take-out menu Jake handed him earlier. JAKE We can't do that. ALONZO Yes we can, supercop. Ding-ding, that's the school bell. He slams the trunk. Pulls his gun. They cross to the door. JAKE Get a real warrant. ALONZO I wanna get sh** done. 26 EXT. SANDMAN'S HOUSE - DAY 26 They step onto the porch. Take sides by the front door. ALONZO Don't get me k**ed, new guy. He knocks on the security screen. ALONZO Police! Search warrant! Silence. Alonzo knocks again. Nods at Jake. JAKE L.A.P.D.! Open the door. Nothing. Then: SANDMAN'S WIFE (O.S.) Kevin ain't here. He up at the Honor Ranch. ALONZO L.A.P.D.! Please open the door or we kick it in! Ma'am?! CLICKING. The door is unlocked, opened. SANDMAN'S WIFE, an attractive black woman, stands on the other side of the security screen. Alonzo waves the menu. ALONZO Search warrant. Unlock the door and back away. She does, Alonzo snaps it open, rushes in, Jake follows. 27 INT. SANDMAN'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY 27 Jake and Alonzo swinging guns around the room -- two scared toddlers in a playpen. Sandman's Wife sits on the couch. JAKE Stand up, ma'am. He searches the couch for a weapon. ALONZO Anyone else in the house, ma'am? SANDMAN'S WIFE My nephew, Dimitri. He in the bedroom. The boy is ten. ALONZO Cover her. Gonna clear the house. JAKE You can sit. Please keep your hands on your knees. Alonzo exits through a doorway into the kitchen. ALONZO (O.S.) Kitchen's clear! We hear ALONZO moving through the bedrooms. ALONZO (O.S.) Bedrooms're clear! Bringing out the kid! Alonzo marches Dimitri, 10, into the living room. The youngster trembles. ALONZO S'okay, son, we're the good guys. Go sit on the couch with your aunt -- House is code-four. Gonna start my search. Alonzo exits. Sandman's Wife glares at Jake. SANDMAN'S WIFE I wanna read the warrant. Supposed to give me a copy. JAKE (reacts) My partner has it. She looks out the window at the empty street. SANDMAN'S WIFE Where's your back-up? JAKE Ma'am, please be quiet while we conduct our investigation. SANDMAN'S WIFE You got the gun, boss. (sotto) Crooked-a** pigs. The kids stare at Jake like an occupying soldier. He crosses to Dimitri, smiles. JAKE Hey, little man. How's it going? Jake tries to shake. Dimitri crosses his arms, looks away. Sandman's Wife smirks. O.S., the SOUNDS of Alonzo tearing apart the bedrooms like a hurricane. Making a hell of a mess. Sandman's Wife stands. JAKE Ma'am. Stay seated. SANDMAN'S WIFE Who you be thinkin'? Comin' in like you pay the rent. JAKE Ma'am, sit down. SANDMAN'S WIFE Both y'alls stink. Drinkin' all day. Gotta get liquored up to do business? Alonzo is suddenly quiet. Jake backs to the doorway, peeks around it. Sees a dresser with a mirror. IN MIRROR Alonzo shoves something big down his jacket. BACK TO SCENE JAKE Siddown. Now. SANDMAN'S WIFE Gonna shoot me, boss? Kids, don't look. The drunk policeman gonna shoot me now. Alonzo enters, excited, grinning. ALONZO Didn't find sh**. Let's go -- sorry about the inconvenience, ma'am. Thank you for your cooperation. He and Jake head for the door. SANDMAN'S WIFE I wanna see the warrant. ALONZO Here. He hands her the menu as they exit. CUT TO: 28 EXT. SANDMAN'S STREET - DAY 28 At the end of the block, three big gangsters buy Popsicles from an ice cream truck. ANOTHER ANGLE Sandman's Wife bursts out of the house, screams at Jake and Alonzo as they climb in the G-Ride. SANDMAN'S WIFE Y'all jackers! You ain't no damn police! Get on back here with my money! She sees the gangsters. SANDMAN'S WIFE Why y'all standin' there lookin' pretty?! Blast them fools! The gangsters trade looks. Start running towards -- G-RIDE Alonzo sees the gangsters. Tries STARTING the CAR. The engine won't catch. ALONZO C'mon, baby. Don't do me like that. The gangsters getting closer. ALONZO You b**h! Start! Jake sees a Glock pulled from a waistband. JAKE Gun! Gun! Gun! VAROOM! Alonzo SQUEALS from the driveway. The armed gangster drops to one knee. The G-Ride tear- a**es away in Glock's sights. POP!-POP!-POP!-POP!-POP! A ROUND SHATTERS a taillight. ANOTHER pierces the trunk-- 29 INT. G-RIDE (SANDMAN'S STREET) - DAY 29 -- the back seat -- the front seat -- the six-pack -- and finally the dash. Jake reacting to beer spray. 30 INT./EXT. G-RIDE (FREEWAY) - DAY 30 Alonzo rounds the corner, tosses the wounded cans out the window. ALONZO sh**... Let's hit a liquor store. Jake fingers the hole in the dash. ALONZO Gun! Gun! Gun! Jake startles, Alonzo laughing. ALONZO First time you been shot at? JAKE (lies) No. ALONZO Yeah, it was. Take the jacket off. Jake does, Alonzo takes whatever is in his jacket, wraps it in the raid jacket and sets it at his feet. JAKE That wasn't cool. That wasn't cool at all. Where's the Sandman? What the hell were you doing in there? ALONZO Looking for narcotics activity. Scales. Baggies. Guns. Coke. Bud. Etcetera. JAKE Cash...? ALONZO Speak on it, son. JAKE She was screaming about money. ALONZO b**h was talking sh**. Trying to get us blasted by her homies. Jake looks at the raid jacket. JAKE What? ALONZO JAKE I dunno. I'm just a new guy. A daisy-fresh boot. You tell me what. ALONZO I don't deny my sh** stinks. I will never deny that. So why do I got the best arrest and conviction record in the county. Why? 'Cause I don't handicap myself with bullsh**. JAKE I thought that bullsh** served a purpose. ALONZO You thought wrong. There's some profoundly evil people walking free on the streets right now who've k**ed three, four, five people. I know it, they know it, every detective on payroll knows it. Why do these turds still float around? The rules. I take down the duly deserving. I'm not locking up Mr. Nine-to-five, Mr.Family Provider. Jake shaking his head angrily. ALONZO C'mon, communicate. What aren't you saying? Talk to me. A beat. Then Jake fixes Alonzo with a stare. JAKE I think... I think you're a rogue cop. Alonzo laughs his a** off. Wipes his eyes, he laughs so hard. Ahead on the freeway, a Highway Patrol cruiser is on the opposite shoulder. ALONZO Hoyt, man. Know what? You're alright. You are alright. JAKE Whatever. I'm gonna be on the six o'clock news in an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs because of you. With the scandals and whatnot, it's open season on misconduct. They'll nail us to the wall. (worried, repentant) God, what the hell did I just do? Alonzo holds up a finger for him to stop and pulls over on the shoulder opposite the cruiser. A highway patrolman helps a distressed female motorist change a tire. ALONZO You're in a privileged position to learn a thing or two if you can keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. If you're serious about doing good in the real world, this is the place to learn how. Gun! Gun! Gun! If this sh** shakes you up, go back to Division and cry to the Watch Commander. He'll find you a nice job lighting flares and measuring wrecks. Decide now if you want to be a wolf or a sheep. If you want on my squad, I'll sign your card. Alonzo stops the car. Alonzo puts his foot on the dash, reveals his unit's tattoo on his ankle. Jake reacts. ALONZO Get your ink. (re: the patrolman) Or get out and give him a hand. Alonzo reaches over and opens Jake's door. Jake looks around, looks at the tattoo. Forget it, he's out. Jake exits the car. Jake stands on the shoulder, squints at the patrolman fighting lugnuts. Jake knows what he wants to do. He gets back in the G-ride. Slams the door and nails Alonzo with a steely look of resolve. JAKE I'm in. Alonzo holds out his hand. Jake shakes, serious. Solemn. ALONZO Welcome to Narcotics, Officer Hoyt. JAKE I'm going to do my best. ALONZO You do and you'll run the unit some day. (a beat) You hungry? Let's code seven. Alonzo SCREECHES out of there. OMITTED 31 thru 37 38 INT. G-RIDE (JUNGLE) - MOVING - DAY 38 Jake nervously glances around one of the toughest parts of the city. A strong point adorned with wrought iron and concertina wire. Alonzo looks around cautiously, puts his gun in his lap, wary. JAKE What are you doing? We'll be k**ed coming in here. ALONZO Oh, you've heard about this neck of the woods? JAKE This is the Jungle. They said never come in here with anything less than a platoon. 39 EXT. G-RIDE (CUL-DE-SAC) - MOVING - DAY 39 Alonzo enters a cul-de-sac of run-down houses and apartments. Formidable fences line the entire block. A fortress. ALONZO This is the heart right here. The headquarters. A lot of murder investigations lead here. One way in, no way out. Strictly heavy hitters. Damus don't play. Jake is really uncomfortable. JAKE I thought we were going to eat. A little kid runs out of the corner house. He eyes Alonzo, then hops on his bike and rides OUT OF VIEW into the cul-de-sac. A beat. The little kid returns. Waves Alonzo into the cul-de-sac. Alonzo turns onto the dangerous dead-end, driving around a poorly-parked van. ALONZO Lots of eyes on us right now. Never come up in here without me. For your safety. I'm serious. JAKE Okay. Why do you have a golden pa**? The little kid gives Jake an unsettling maddog stare. ALONZO Because I'm square with 'em. But they know if the line is crossed, I'm leading the platoon in here. Two solid, early teen gangsters lean against a fence. One claps sharply. Alonzo gestures for Jake to look up through the windshield. JAKE'S POV A dozen pigeons dive from the sky, right at the G-ride. BACK TO SCENE Jake reacts. The gangster claps his hands again and the pigeons pull out of their dive and arc back into the sky. The gangster smiles at Alonzo. JAKE What the hell was that? ALONZO They're flipping pigeons to let folks know I'm here. Jake looking at Alonzo, lost. Alonzo grins. At the far end of a driveway, more gangsters work out and drink. One of them is benching over 300 pounds. Alonzo parks at the end of the cul-de-sac. Jake and Alonzo get out. Cross to a gate where two more GANGSTERS kick it. They look at Jake. GANGSTER 'Sup, Lonz. Thanks for helping my cousin. ALONZO I got your back, dog. (re: Jake) He's my people. Alonzo pushes open the gate. The gangsters regard him coldly as he pa**es. NEW ANGLE Behind Alonzo's back, the gangsters' disposition becomes disdain. GANGSTER Sick'a that pig actin' like king- sh**. 40 EXT. APARTMENT COURTYARD - DAY 40 Kids play in the bare dirt yard. A huge pit bull is chained to a tree. JAKE (re: the gangsters) And those guys? ALONZO Punk a** fools. I got all these busters under my thumb. An old woman sweeps her doorstep and glares at Jake. ALONZO Buenas tardes, Dona Lucila. The old woman smiles, nods. Jake and Alonzo cross to some stairs, climb the steps. A 15-year-old girl exits with a laundry basket. Alonzo leers. ALONZO Gonna throw her dad in jail. Raise her up myself. Like veal. Jake reacts, unsure if Alonzo is joking. 41 EXT. SARA'S APARTMENT - DAY 41 Alonzo knocks on a door. JAKE What's here? ALONZO A loving touch. WOMAN (O.S.) Quien...? ALONZO Policia, senorita. The door opens, there stands SARA, a ravishing Salvadoran in a housedress. She hugs Alonzo, plants a big kiss on him. SARA Hi, papi. She notices Jake and backs off. ALONZO He's just my new guy. She holds out her hand. They shake. SARA Hi. How are you? JAKE Good, thank you. SARA Come in, come in. Welcome to my house. Alonzo enters, Jake follows. 42 INT. SARA'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY 42 The living room is filled with Salvadoran kitsch. It's bright, airy, a refuge. A 2-year-old boy on the couch watches cartoons. Alonzo motions for Jake to sit. ALONZO You had a rough morning. Relax and let her hook you up. He disappears into the bedroom. Sara hands Jake the remote. SARA Here. Take this. I have cable. You watch what you want. This is your house. Don't be shy. She crosses to the kitchen. Sounds of POTS, DISHES. Jake is about to change the channel. The kid gives him a look. He puts away the remote. Sara returns with a ma**ive tray of food, chicken stew, beans, rice, salad, tortillas, the works. She sets the mouth-watering spread before Jake. SARA This is El Salvador food. I hope you like it. CUT TO: JAKE Thank you. This is great. I'm starving. She hangs a beat, embarra**ed. SARA I'm sorry. I have to... Jake knows. She runs off. 43 INT. SARA'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY (LATER) 43 Jake dozes, his plate wiped clean, an arm around the little kid, still watching cartoons. Alonzo enters, invigorated, he kicks Jake's foot. ALONZO Let's go. We're rollin'. Gotta meeting in fifteen. Jake stirs, stretches. Stands. Alonzo shows him the door. ALONZO Go to the car. JAKE I'd like to thank her for the food. It was great. ALONZO I'll tell her, don't worry. Jake tussles the kid's hair. JAKE See you later, little man. Jake exits. Alonzo picks up his son. Hugs him tight. ALONZO (subtitled) Hey. Como esta, mijo? Te portas bien? Esta creciendo, papasito. (How are you, son? You're getting big.) Sara watches from the bedroom doorway. Seeing Alonzo like this rips her apart. CUT TO: 44 INT. G-RIDE (6TH STREET) - MOVING - DAY 44 Heading east on 6th Street. The buildings of downtown loom ahead. The noon sun high and bright. JAKE What about your queen? ALONZO Sara's my princess. JAKE I like her. She's a really cool lady. ALONZO So are her two sisters. They look damn good and they party. How'd you like to be in the middle of a b**h sandwich? Come to Vegas with us. JAKE No, thanks. I get mine at home. ALONZO You're missing out. I should know. JAKE Her kid looks just like you. He's number five? ALONZO Number six. JAKE Six kids. That's all? Or you holding royal court in a few more houses? ALONZO I'm only aware of six. JAKE It's easy to make a baby -- ALONZO -- and hard to take care of one. f** you, okay? No one's going hungry. Everyone gets plenty of what they need: toys, shoes, clothes. JAKE Love? Alonzo shoots a look at Jake. ALONZO Let's not talk about my family. CUT TO: 45 INT./EXT. G-RIDE/PACIFIC DINING CAR - DAY 45 The G-Ride pulls up to the downtown L.A. landmark. Alonzo's CELL RINGS. ALONZO Get out. Jake does. Alonzo talks on his cell a heated beat. Jake overhears: ALONZO You'll get the damn money. Alonzo hangs up, exits the car uncharacteristically shaken. He and Jake cross to the entrance. Alonzo slips an old man polishing shoes a twenty. Alonzo, the raid jacket tucked underarm, hands Jake some eyedrops. ALONZO Use it. Jake does. Alonzo opens the door. JAKE Who's here? ALONZO Don't speak unless spoken to.

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