Antoine Fuqua - Training Day (Part 1) lyrics


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Antoine Fuqua - Training Day (Part 1) lyrics

FADE IN: 1 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE - BEDROOM - CLOSE ON ALARM CLOCK - 1 PREDAWN (4:59 AM) In a Santa Clarita housing tract. It's dark. WIDER ANGLE Eyes glisten in the clock's shine, patiently watching the time. BZZZZ! The ALARM SOUNDS. A hand that's been hovering over the clock drops. Silence. JAKE HOYT, a fit young man, rolls over, throws an arm over his sleeping wife -- JAKE It's time. -- she's not there, just empty blankets. He sits up, sporting a scraggly goatee, his hair growing out. HIS POV Lisa, his wife, in a rocking chair in the corner. BACK TO SCENE Jake is surprised. How'd she sneak off? JAKE What are you doing up? She pulls back the blanket, she breast-feeds their infant daughter. LISA Mooooo. She lavishes kisses on her baby. CUT TO: 2 INT. JAKE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - CLOSEUP - BRASSO - DAWN 2 is squirted on terry cloth. A badge is rubbed against it in precise circles. WIDEN TO: Jake in T-shirt and jeans, studies the gleaming badge, snaps it in its case, clips it to his belt. He tosses a duffel on the counter. Searches through the police gear. Lisa taps a police baton on his shoulder. He takes it. JAKE Thanks LISA Wrong day to forget stuff. Everyone's saying how lucky you are. Don't screw this up. He gives her a look, shoves it in the bag. JAKE She go back to sleep? LISA Mmm-hmm. Ate like a pig. Jake does a final check of gun belt. Inspecting his Beretta and magazines. JAKE I know how lucky I am. I ace this a**ignment. Department's wide open. Get my own division someday. You should see those guys' houses. She grabs a pack of English muffins. Jake catches his reflection in a mirror, rubs his chin. He doesn't like the way he looks. Next to the mirror is his police academy graduation photo -- Clean-cut, almost adolescent. Lisa plays with his goatee, she likes it. LISA Want some eggs for the road? JAKE I gotta roll. Gotta beat the traffic. He shoves his gun belt in the duffel. Zips it shut. He grabs a pressed uniform off a chair, and his police hat, wrapped in plastic. He kisses Lisa's cheek, her neck, her lips. Heads to the door. The PHONE RINGS. Jake stops. Lisa answers. LISA Hello? (beat, laughs) How nice, thank you. (beat, giggles) I will, don't worry. Jake looks at her, wondering who the hell is making his wife giggle so much. LISA He's right here. (to Jake) Jake. It's Alonzo. Jake reacts, steels himself and takes the phone. JAKE Hello? AONZO (V.O.) Hoyt? JAKE Yessir? ALONZO (V.O.) On your way to roll call? JAKE Yessir. I'm out the door right now. ALONZO (V.O.) Hoyt. JAKE Yessir? ALONZO (V.O.) Patrol fairies go to roll call. We don't go to roll call. JAKE Yessir. ALONZO (V.O.) There's a coffee shop at 7th and Witmer. See you there at ten. Be in civvies. Comfortable shoes. Got a back-up gun? Something pocket-sized? JAKE Nossir. Just my department issue service pistol. ALONZO (V.O.) Bring it. Cuffs, too. We're gonna be in the office all day, but who knows, maybe we'll do some business. We're an aggressive unit. JAKE I know. That's why I signed up. I want to thank you for giving me the oppor -- -- CLICK! Alonzo hangs up. Jake too. He stands there, grabs his nervous stomach. LISA What's wrong? JAKE Feel like it's football tryouts. Wish it was tomorrow so I'd know already if I made his squad or not. LISA It's not tomorrow. It's today. And it's gonna work out. I know it will. JAKE I gotta relax. Lisa looking at him. He gets an idea, snuggles up to her. JAKE Don't have to show up until ten. She breaks the embrace -- sore breasts -- Ouch! JAKE Soon they'll be mine again. Jake chases them with cupped hands as she retreats, giggling. Their game. CUT TO: 3 INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY 3 Old and tired, near Good Samaritan Hospital. Jake struts through the door, confidently looks around. JAKE'S POV DETECTIVE SERGEANT ALONZO HARRIS, in black shirt, black leather jacket. And just enough platinum and diamonds to look like somebody. He reads the paper in a booth. The gun leather-tough LAPD vet is a hands-on, blue-collar cop who can kick your a** with a look. BACK TO SCENE Jake walks over. Slides in across. Alonzo's eyes will never leave his newspaper. JAKE Good morning, sir. A young waitress pours Jake coffee, offers a menu. Jake waves it away. JAKE I'm okay, ma'am. Thank you. ALONZO Have some chow before we hit the office. Go ahead. It's my dollar. JAKE No, thank you, sir. I ate. ALONZO Fine. Don't. Alonzo turns the page. A long beat. Then: JAKE It's nice here. ALONZO May I read my paper? JAKE I'm sorry, sir... I'll get some food. ALONZO No. You won't. You f**ed that up. Please. I'm reading. Shut up. Jake does -- Jeeez, sorry. Pours a ton of sugar in his coffee. TIME CUT TO: 4 INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY 4 The waitress pours refills. Alonzo reads. Jake fidgets. JAKE Sure wouldn't mind not roasting in a hot black and white all summer. Alonzo sighs, carefully folds his paper. Glares at Jake. ALONZO Tell me a story, Hoyt. JAKE My story? ALONZO Not your story. A story. You can't keep your mouth shut long enough to let me finish my paper. So tell me a story. JAKE I don't think I know any stories. Alonzo waves the paper in Jake's face. ALONZO This is a newspaper. And I know it's ninety percent bullsh** but it's entertaining. That's why I read it. Because it entertains me. If you won't let me read my paper, then entertain me with your bullsh**. Tell me a story. JAKE A real one or should I make one up? ALONZO (sighs) Where'd you do your probation? JAKE Van Nuys. ALONZO Right. The Valley. No cute little anecdotes about writing underage smoking cites at the shopping mall? Jake thinks. Bingo! He's got it. JAKE There was this D.U.I. stop. ALONZO A D.U.I. stop. Wow. Go on. JAKE We were on the mid-watch. ALONZO We? You and...? JAKE Debbie. ALONZO Debbie? The hell's Debbie? JAKE My training officer. Debbie Maxwell -- ALONZO -- Your T.O. was female? JAKE Yessir. ALONZO She white? Black? JAKE White. ALONZO She dyked out or she any good? JAKE She's pretty good. ALONZO (he's hooked) So you and Debbie are pullin' a mid-watch? JAKE Right. It's a real quiet night. A yawner. We're rolling on Vanowen. I'm driving. And this Acura, just a beautiful car, comes out a side street. In excess. All over the median. So I light it up and hit the wailer. Guy drives on like I'm invisible for ten blocks before he pulls over. Plates ran clean. Debbie covers as I approach. Driver's this huge white guy. Can barely keep his eyes open. I field test and arrest and I'm belting him in our unit. Debbie's tossing his car. She calls me to the vehicle and shows me a snubbed .38 and two shotguns, all loaded and locked. ALONZO No sh**? JAKE No sh**. She calls our supervisor and I keep searching. I find five hundred grams of meth in the dash. Turns out our D.U.I. was on bail for distribution. He was on his way to smoke his ex-partner before trial. (proudly) We prevented a murder. Alonzo is astonished. ALONZO ... amazing... Jake beams -- some story, huh? ALONZO You're driving around the Valley with a fine b**h in your car for a year and the most entertaining story you got is a drunk stop? Never hit her up for some Code X in the back seat? Didn't tap it? JAKE I have a wife. ALONZO You also have a dick. Alonzo shakes his head in disgust. Jake is crushed. ALONZO Let's go. Alonzo tosses a fifty on the table. OFF his heavy wedding band we -- CUT TO: 5 EXT. COFFEE SHOP - PARKING LOT - DAY 5 Jake and Alonzo crossing. Alonzo sizes Jake up. ALONZO You walk and talk like a damn cop. Alonzo stops at: G-RIDE A narc-machine supreme. A clean, black 1978 Monte Carlo on nice rims. ALONZO Gimme that menu. Jake pulls a Chinese menu from under the wiper. Hands it to Alonzo, who folds and pockets it. ALONZO Get in. S'unlocked. Jake admires the car, climbs in. 6 INT. G-RIDE/EXT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY 6 Jake buries his shoes in beer cans and coffee cups. Alonzo twists the key and pumps the hell out of the gas. After a beat, the ENGINE CATCHES -- VROOM! JAKE This isn't from the motor pool. ALONZO Don't worry. My baby puts out when she has to. Alonzo rubs the dash lovingly. JAKE Where's the office? Back at Division? Alonzo hits the switches and the G-Ride is raised by hydraulics. ALONZO You're in it. Jake reacts. Then smiles -- This is kinda cool. A7 INT. G-RIDE (7TH STREET) - MOVING - DAY A7 Alonzo SQUEALS out of the lot. They pa** the formidably- stylish Metropolitan Detention Center. ALONZO Rover's in the glove box. Wanna ten-eight us? JAKE Yessir. ALONZO sh**can the sirs. I'm not your domestic violence awareness instructor. Jake takes a Motorola radio from the glove box. JAKE What's our I.D.? ALONZO Nora fifteen. JAKE (into Motorola) Nora fifteen, ten-eight. DISPATCH (V.O.) Nora fifteen, ten-twenty. Jake checks the street signs -- 7th and Broadway. Before he can tell Dispatch, Alonzo snatches the Motorola as he makes a left on Broadway. ALONZO (into rover) Nora fifteen, South on Rampart at Beverly. DISPATCH (V.O.) Ten four. Alonzo tosses Jake the rover. ALONZO Bad guys are listening. Don't trust the radios. Never let anyone know where you're really at. Ever. Jake nods and smiles -- makes sense. 7 INT. G-RIDE (BROADWAY) - MOVING - DAY 7 Heading north on Broadway in downtown LA. It could be San Salvador or Guatemala City. Jake is mesmerized by the crowds. JAKE This looks like the Third World. ALONZO It's my world. Jake notes several men making hand signs as they pa**. JAKE They're flashing gang signs. ALONZO They're selling micas. Fake I.D.s. Green cards, licenses, socials. Alonzo gives Jake a fatherly look, lights a smoke. Settles in his seat. ALONZO Today's a training day. Gonna show you around, give you a feel for the business. I have thirty- eight cases pending trial. I have sixty-three active investigations. There's another three hundred and fifty cases on the log I can't clear. I'm supervising five officers. That's five different personalities, five different sets of problems. You, Officer Hoyt, if you got the guts to succeed, will be number six. I don't have time to baby-sit or hold hands. You have one day to show me who you are and what you can or cannot handle. You can't hack narcotics, feel free to work a p**y desk chasing bad checks. Hear me, Officer Hoyt? JAKE I hear you. ALONZO Good. Gonna show you reality. Think you can handle it? JAKE Yeah. ALONZO Why you wanna be a narc? JAKE I want to serve my community by ridding it of dangerous d**. Alonzo gives him a look -- Don't b.s. me. JAKE I wanna make detective. The boy is ambitious. Alonzo likes that. As they cruise down Broadway, a black and white up the street does a sudden U-turn. ALONZO Stick with me and you will. If you can unlearn the bullsh** they've filled your head with. You gonna be pa**ing out baseball cards and carrying old ladies' groceries like the rest of the newf**s Washington's flooded the streets with? JAKE I'll do anything you want me to do. ALONZO Good. Roll your window down. Can't hear the street. Jake does. ALONZO Stand by, because narcotics ain't about staying in the car and looking good. I bet you write great paper, Hoyt. (before Jake can answer) You do. I checked it out. Cover your area, cover your a**, but not necessarily in that order, right? JAKE Right. The two cops from the black and white have their guns drawn on five hardcore cholos with tats on their shoulders and heads. A white cop screams at them in English, then switches to Spanish as his partner pours beer on a cholo's head. ALONZO How's the Espanol? JAKE Mas o menos. ALONZO Work on it. People'll be plotting the worst kind of sh** behind your back. JAKE Right. Are you going to teach me that old school, hard-charging, beat up everything that moves Rodney King sh**? ALONZO No way. I'm the new breed. I use this... (taps his head) This is my tool. The G-Ride crosses the 1st Street Bridge, revealing Echo Park spread before them. A8 INT. G-RIDE (1ST STREET BRIDGE) - MOVING - DAY A8 ALONZO How long you been married? JAKE A year. ALONZO Gotta kid, right? JAKE (smiles) A nine-month-old girl. ALONZO I got four kids. All boys. You want a son, lemme know. I'll do your old lady up. I can't miss. Jake angers, although he knows he is being tested. JAKE Let's not talk about my family. ALONZO It's cool. I can respect that. I'm married. I have my queen, too. I remember what it's like to have a pretty young bride. Bet you still f** her face-to-face. JAKE (clenched teeth) Can we not talk about my wife? ALONZO Kick back, kid... You're so in love it's comin' out your eyes. The day you bring the old lady to the office is the day you don't go home. If you don't hide your love deep inside, maggots out here will find it and chew it up. Jake realizes Alonzo is right. Alonzo hands him a card. ALONZO That's our Chaplain, Lieutenant Conelly. Give him a call. Invite him and his wife over for dinner. He's a good guy and no dumbsh**. You and your woman need any kinda help, call him. I'm serious. Jake takes the card. Kind of smiles. JAKE Thanks. I will. They cruise a beat. JAKE Who's Mr. Clean? Alonzo nails him with surprised look. ALONZO Where the hell you hear that? JAKE From a Valley Robbery Detective. Told me to ask you that. ALONZO (smiles, shakes his head) a**hole. 8 EXT. G-RIDE (NETO'S STREET) - DAY 8 Alonzo pulls onto a street of dense apartments. Parks along the curb. JAKE What's here? ALONZO Transactions... See the Salvatrucha zero head on the fence, trying not to look like he's slangin'? Jake looks, sees a young, bald cholo, Neto, just hanging out. ALONZO That's Neto. Homeboy did three years in the boyna roja. Red beret. JAKE What's that? ALONZO Batallon de accion rapida Atlacatl. (off Jake's look) El Salvadoran special forces. Punk's only seventeen and can k** with the best of them. Works for me. JAKE Jesus. He an informant? ALONZO I got eyes everywhere. He gets to peddle reefer, make a little cash for the family. I get a heads-up when sh** goes down. The barrio dot com. JAKE And you trust him? ALONZO Goddamn right I trust him. Sprung his mom from I.N.S. detention. Alonzo watches his mirror, perks up. ALONZO Here we go. INSERT - MIRROR A new VW Beetle pulls onto the street, moving slow. BACK TO SCENE The VW pa**es the G-Ride. Jake glimpses three people inside, two guys in front, a girl in back. Hipster university students. ALONZO sh**'s going down. JAKE'S POV The VW stops. Neto looks around, crosses to the driver's window, a drink cup in hand. Neto plucks a foil pack from the cup. Trades it for the driver's ten. BACK TO SCENE Neto walks away, disappears into some apartments. ALONZO See the hand-to-hand? JAKE I saw it. The VW drives off, fast. Alonzo pulls out. Follows it. ALONZO When was your last felony stop? JAKE Couple weeks ago. ALONZO You need practice. JAKE They look like college kids. ALONZO They need a lesson. I want the Brady Bunch grabbing gla**. I got front. You got back. Alonzo pulls his gun. Jake reaches for the Motorola. ALONZO Stay off the rover. Jake puts it away, pulls his gun. Alonzo stomps the gas. The G-Ride HOWLS. The VW is at the corner, about to turn-- 9 EXT. G-RIDE/VW BUS AT STREET CORNER - DAY 9 SCREEEEEECH! -- Alonzo slaloms to a stop, blocking its path. His pistol aimed through Jake's window at the DRIVER. ALONZO Police! Lemme see your hands! Jake draws a bead on the girl in back. JAKE Police officers! Your hands! The kids gawk at the two narcs for a stunned beat. JAKE Don't look at us! Look straight ahead! ALONZO Driver and right front pa**enger! Palms on the windshield! JAKE You in the back! Palms on the side window! Look straight ahead! ALONZO Driver! Use your left hand, put the vehicle in park. The Driver is mortified because: DRIVER ... it's a stickshift... ALONZO Shut up, dickhead! I'll shoot your face off! Take the keys out of the ignition. Throw 'em out the window! The Driver does, quickly, as Alonzo jumps from the car, charges the Driver, shoves the gun in his face. These are just scared kids. The girl tries not to cry. ALONZO Fork it over, smartman. DRIVER What, sir? Alonzo grabs his ear, tugs violently. ALONZO The marijuana I just watched you purchase! The Driver hands over the foil pack. PASSENGER I'm very sorry, sir. I didn't know he was bringing me here. ALONZO Shut up, dumba**. You're here now! Gimme that pipe! There's an ornate pot pipe on the floor mat. The PASSENGER picks it up. Reluctantly hands it to Alonzo. PASSENGER My mom gave me that pipe. ALONZO What else you got? DRIVER Cigarettes...? ALONZO Gimme those too. He gives him a squished packed of Marlboro reds. The kids realize Alonzo isn't your average cop. The girl sees Neto standing down the block like nothing is going on. She lowers her hands -- bad move. ALONZO Control your suspect, Hoyt! JAKE Miss! Palms on the gla**! Alonzo sees her lip quiver. ALONZO Cry and I slap the eyes outta your face! Back to the Driver. ALONZO You aware this is a gang neighborhood? That gives him pause -- no kidding -- Alonzo grabs his ear again, shakes. ALONZO I see you here again, I take your car. You can walk home while your girlfriend pulls a homeboy train... Hear me, reefer addict? DRIVER Yes, sir. ALONZO Thank you for your coopoeration -- Safe your iron. ON VW Jake holsters his gun. Follows Alonzo to the G-Ride. The kids lower their hands. ON G-RIDE Alonzo and Jake climb in. As they drive away, the girl nails Jake with a look of revulsion. Jake reacts. CUT TO: 10 INT. G-RIDE (NETO'S NEIGHBORHOOD) - MOVING - DAY 10 Alonzo laughing. Jake didn't like what happened. It shows. JAKE Was that training? How to roust students for dime bags? ALONZO They have no business being here. Sooner or later that little smart- a** white boy college puke is gonna get jacked. I saved his life. JAKE Taught him a real lesson. ALONZO Sure did, buy your sh** on campus. (beat) I like your moves. Someone trained you well. Jake smiles to himself. Alonzo opens the foil, sniffs -- ALONZO sh**ty dime. Check it out. He hands it to Jake. Who takes out a bud. ALONZO See the small hairs? The undeveloped seeds. How it's all stems? Jake nods. ALONZO It was picked immature. See how flat it is? Cla**ic brick-pack Mexican. See how brittle it is? It's not bud season. It's from last year. Jake is amazed. Alonzo snatches the bud, crumbles it in the pipe, tosses aside seeds. ALONZO To be truly effective, a narcotics detective must know and love narcotics. A good narcotics detective should have narcotics in his blood. JAKE You going to smoke that? Alonzo smiles devilishly, offers Jake the pipe. ALONZO You are. JAKE Hell if I am. ALONZO What? You a Mormon? A Jesus freak? JAKE No. I'm not losing my job. ALONZO (re: the pipe) This is your job. JAKE I can't do it. ALONZO This isn't some kind of test. Take a damn hit. JAKE I became a cop to keep people from using that poison. ALONZO (laughs) This ain't a review board. We ain't doing rails. Just leafy green bud. Jake stands firm, shaking his head. 11 EXT. G-RIDE/ROGER'S NEIGHBORHOOD - DAY 11 SCREECH! Alonzo stops in the middle of the street, pulls his gun, jams it in Jake's ear. CARS behind them HONK. ALONZO If I was a dealer, you'd be dead. Turn sh** down on the street and the Chief hands your wife a crisply-folded flag. Jake stares stubbornly at Alonzo. Alonzo pockets the gun. Lights the lighter. And takes a huge hit, blows smoke in Jake's face. ALONZO I don't want you in my unit. Not even my division. Go back to Valley. Get the f** out of my car. A staring contest. Jake decides to play the game. JAKE ... Okay... He takes the pipe, takes an absolutely huge hit -- ALONZO Alright. That's how it's done, son. -- And is racked with a spasm of coughing. ALONZO Betrayed by your virgin lungs. Jake takes another hit -- a pa**ing driver watches -- blows the smoke in Alonzo's face. Alonzo laughs, resumes driving, takes a hit. They pa** the pipe around a few times before Alonzo tosses it on the dash. It's cashed. ALONZO A12 INT. G-RIDE (ECHO PARK) - DAY A12 They cruise in a strange otherworldly silence. Jake is clearly messed up, his head lolls from side to side. ALONZO sh**, you took some man-sized hits. You gonna be okay? When's the last time you smoked out? JAKE ... Twelfth grade... B12 INT. G-RIDE (SUNSET BOULEVARD) - DAY ALONZO Left that out of your service jacket. Knew you had secrets, everyone does. Didn't know you dig dusters. JAKE What are dusters? ALONZO You know, dusted bud. Dippers? C'mon, dipped in P.C.P. Primos. Sherm, kool, P-dog, angel dust... Didn't you smell it? Taste it? JAKE (horrified) ... I've never done it... ALONZO Now you have. Remember the smell for next time. Think I'd inhale that sh**? Jake is scared as hell, pale, sweaty. JAKE Oh, no. No. No. No. ALONZO Gonna kick the sh** out of Neto. Motherf**er's lacing crappy bud to get that unsuspecting return client. Hell with his mom, I'm deporting the b**h. JAKE I'm gonna get piss tested. I'm gonna get fired. ALONZO Lieutenant's got our backs. We know a week before we piss. JAKE (panicking) sh**. How could you do this to me? sh**. sh**. sh**! Alonzo slams an elbow across Jake's throat. ALONZO Chill and ride the high. You're an adult. You chose to smoke. Live with your decisions. You cool? ALONZO Besides, no one put a gun to your head. Jake shoots him a look. 12 EXT. ROGER'S HOUSE - DAY 12 A well-tended Craftsman on a steep hill of fixer-uppers in Echo Park. The G-Ride parks out front. ALONZO Get your sh** together. Alonzo and Jake cross to the door. Alonzo knocks. ALONZO This is my Road Dog's pad. Wanna see what he thinks of you. CUT TO: JAKE What do I say? ALONZO You'll think of something stupid. The door opens revealing ROGER in a bathrobe, worn from years of hard living. He's happy to see Alonzo. ROGER Hey, brother, get your a** in here. CUT TO: 13 INT. ROGER'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY 13 Roger and Alonzo hug. ALONZO Did I wake you ? ROGER No. C'mon in. Please have a seat. Alonzo and Jake sit in big chairs. Three beepers, three cell phones on the coffee table. Roger sits, takes a bottle of whisky, three tumblers from a liquor cart. Pours booze. Jake looks around at the modest traditional furniture. The tacky porcelain figurines. Family photos on the wall. ALONZO Alright. Time to get my swerve on. Roger gives Alonzo a concerned look. ROGER Heard you had a beef in Vegas. There's a greenlight on your a**. ALONZO I'm cool. People talk sh**. ROGER You know I got your back. ALONZO I know. Thanks. They clink gla**es. Jake doesn't. He stares into the liquid, enraptured by its smoky patterns. ALONZO Jake, drink your medicine. Jake takes a sip and winces. Roger tugs Jake's goatee. Jake recoils. ROGER Went and got yourself a daisy- fresh rookie. Roger leans back in the couch. Jake is looking around the room again. A BEEPER BEEPS. Roger checks it. Ignores it. Roger studies Jake. ROGER Jesus, Alonzo. He's high as a motherf**er. The hell you give him? Alonzo tosses the foil pack on the table. Roger takes it, smells the PCP and shakes his head. ROGER Where'd you grow up? JAKE North Hollywood. ROGER What's your last name? JAKE Hoyt. ROGER (it clicks) You play strong safety for North Hollywood High? JAKE Yessir. How'd you know? ROGER I follow all the good players. His BEEPER BEEPS. He checks it, sighs. Dials a cell phone. ROGER (into phone) It's me. Wha**up? (beat) Can't do a thing for you. Your mess. You clean it up. Don't be callin' me. He hangs up. Freshens the drinks. ROGER (to Jake) Here's a joke, boy. One day this man walks out of his house to go to work. He sees this snail on his porch. So he picks it up and chucks it over his roof, into the back yard. Snail bounces off a rock, cracks its shell all to sh**, and lands in the gra**. Snail lies there dying. A BEEPER BEEPS. Roger checks and ignores it. ROGER But it doesn't die. It eats some gra**. Slowly heals. Grows a new shell. And after a while it can crawl again. One day the snail up and heads back to the front of the house. Finally, after a year, the little guy crawls back on the porch. Right then, the man walks out to go to work and sees this snail again. So he says to it, 'What the f**'s your problem?' Jake stares at Roger a beat. Then starts laughing. Really laughing. Maybe too much. He wipes his eyes. JAKE That's messed up. That wasn't funny. ALONZO Then why are you cackling like a jackal JAKE I dunno. ROGER Figure that joke out and you'll figure the streets out. ALONZO Don't listen to him. There's nothing to figure out. The street's a buncha senseless bullsh**. JAKE Uh-uh. I got 'em figured out. ROGER You got the streets figured out? JAKE Yeah. It's all smiles and cries. ALONZO Give up. You're too high, space captain. ROGER Hold on -- smiles and cries. I hear you. JAKE You gotta control your smiles and cries. No one can take them away so... they're all we really have. Roger and Alonzo trade looks -- sharp kid. Alonzo pats Jake's shoulder. To Roger: ALONZO Think this greenhorn can handle undercover? Roger scrutinizes Jake a beat. Smiles and nods: yes. ROGER You were just like him. ALONZO (laughs) Bullsh**. ROGER Same silly-a** look and everything. Saving the Goddamn world. ALONZO That lasted a week. Alonzo stands, shakes with Roger. ALONZO Brother, I gotta get back in my office. Thanks for the snort, dog. What're you up to today? Roger gestures at the phones and beepers. ROGER Think I get out of the house? A BEEPER BEEPS. Roger shakes with Jake. ROGER Take care, Hoyt. You're gonna do okay. 14 INT. G-RIDE (6TH STREET TO ALVARADO) - MOVING - DAY 14 East on Sunset. Jake senses he pa**ed a test. Alonzo smiling at him. Alonzo offers him a cigarette. Jake accepts. JAKE What? ALONZO He liked you. JAKE Who is he? One of your snitches? ALONZO He's no snitch. He's a good man to know. C'mon, let's find some action in n******gtown. (off Jake's look) That's N-wordtown to you. What are you, Hoyt? You ain't pure whiteboy. You mixed? JAKE Italian, Irish and Mexican. ALONZO No sh**? You're all dicked up. Jake looks green, tosses the cigarette out the window. Alonzo senses what's coming and SLAMS on the BRAKES, flings open Jake's door. Jake vomits. A beat of dry heaving. ALONZO Okay, well's dry, kid. JAKE Sorry. ALONZO Wipe your chin. Alonzo hands Jake a handkerchief. Jakes wipes his sweaty face. JAKE I'm cool. Had to unload the groceries. ALONZO You gotta learn how to party. To handle a high. It's a necessary job sk**. I'm not kidding. It's an alcohol world down here. You gotta be able to hang. To get wasted and talk sh** with sketchy sociopathic dumba**es and not pa** out and get your shoes stolen. JAKE I'm fine, just a little dizzy. Alonzo lights a smoke, leaning on his car, cracks a brew. ALONZO Oh, damn! JAKE'S POV A beautiful Mexican woman pushing a baby carriage. CAMERA PLAYING OVER her in luscious SLOW MOTION. BACK TO SCENE Jake stares, mouth open. Alonzo points out more beautiful Latinas gracing the sidewalks. ALONZO Mmmm-mmmm. The brown woman is the fine woman. Give her ten more babies to push around. Thick and tasty. Love to get up in that... Your old lady white? Nordic cheerleader, right? JAKE Wrong. She's Chicana. Light- skinned. ALONZO I like my meat dark. C'mon, get in the car. A15 OMITTED A15 B15 EXT. G-RIDE (MACARTHUR PARK) - MOVING - DAY B15 Alonzo sees Jake has his eyes closed. ALONZO C'mon, man. Open your eyes. You'll make it worse. Nothing. ALONZO Sit your a** up. Hoyt! Jake locks bleary red eyes on Alonzo, jokingly: JAKE Who're you? ALONZO The Goddamn zig-zag man. JAKE Cool. I'm a cop. ALONZO You're a little bitty boot. Alonzo cracks beers for him and Jake. ALONZO C'mon. It helps. Believe me. Gives you ballast. Jake takes one. Alonzo drives over the 6th Street bridge. Jake drops his beer, soaking his leg. ALONZO Dumba**. He leans his head on the window pillar, feeling better. Jake's eyes absorb the street's tableau of unworldly beauty gliding by. Palm trees and sunshine. Paradise and hell in one. His lids begin to drift shut. Then Jake sees a flash of movement in an alley. Suddenly alert, he paws at the door handle. JAKE Activity on the right! Stop the car! ALONZO Siddown, Hoyt. Everything's fine. JAKE Stop the car! ALONZO C'mon, relax. You're tripping. Jake grabs the gearshift, throws it in reverse. The transmission GRINDS, TIRES SCREECH. The ENGINE STALLS. Jake is out like a shot -- 15 EXT. STREET/CRACKHEAD ALLEY - DAY 15 -- he dodges an oncoming car. ALONZO Get your a** back here! ON G-RIDE Alonzo pulling to the curb. ALONZO Dumb-a** kid. ON JAKE Running like a deer. He enters the alley. Sees a book bag on the ground -- A dumpster ahead. Jake rounds it. Fast. HIS POV A devastatingly-beautiful Latina SCHOOLGIRL is pinned against the wall by a tall CRACKHEAD. Her nose dots blood on her uniform blouse. BACK TO SCENE The Crackhead hauls back to smack her. Jake charging. JAKE Police officer! You're under arrest! The Crackhead punches Jake's throat. Stops him cold. Jake realizes how huge this guy is. Gulp. CRACKHEAD #1 Gonna f** you too, cop. ANOTHER CRACKHEAD dives from the shadows and tackles Jake. Both go down hard. Jake gets his arm around Crackhead #2's neck, squeezes -- the forbidden choke hold. Crackhead #1 stomps on Jake's head. Alonzo drives the G-ride into the alley. Sits in the car and enjoys the action. Jake rides out Crackhead #1's vicious kicks as Crackhead #2 convulses from hypoxia. And finally goes limp. Jake lets go, sweeps Crackhead #1's legs out from under him and hops to his feet. Crackhead #1 stands too. CRACKHEAD #1 Your a** is doomed. Jake growls, snatches him up like a rag doll, spins him, slams him hard. In a flash, Jake twists him into a pretzel, drops a knee on his neck, grinds his head into the asphalt. Clicks on the cuffs. CRACKHEAD #1 We didn't do sh**. b**h is crazy and sh**. Crackhead #2 coming to, starting to stand. Jake crosses to him, pins his head with his knee. Slips a pair of flexicuffs from his sock, zips them on the man's wrists. CRACKHEAD #2 Man, you messin' up, slick. Homegirl tradin' her a** for cookies. JAKE (bellows in rage) Shut the f** up, sir! ANGLE ON ALONZO He casually exits the G-ride with a smile, impressed by Jake's raw sk**. JAKE Thanks for the help. ALONZO Shoulda shot 'em. Jake crosses to the Schoolgirl. JAKE We're police officers. You okay? You hurt? SCHOOLGIRL (to the Crackheads) You're dead! My cousins are from Trece Flats. They're gonna blast you fools! Pinche mayates! ALONZO Miss! Relax! Are you okay? SCHOOLGIRL What? No. No, I'm not okay. Lookit my nose... My mom's gonna trip out. Alonzo gingerly examines her nose. ALONZO Honey, it's just a nosebleed. Put ice on it. Don't be walkin' around here alone. Tell your cousins to get your back. You know what those piecesa sh** were gonna do. Probably got AIDS. Why aren't you in school? SCHOOLGIRL I was going to a ditch party. ALONZO You almost became a ditch party. Go home. Go home, now. She grabs her book bag and gets out of there. JAKE I gotta get her statement. ALONZO Unhook 'em. We're not racking up arrests. JAKE (shocked) Kick 'em loose? ALONZO No. Get some shots in first. JAKE I have a punching bag at home. I want them off the street. Alonzo squats by Crackhead #1. Searches him. ALONZO Hear that, bro? My dog, here, wants to lock you up. Been to the bootyhouse? Grabbin' ankles for the big boys? CRACKHEAD #1 s** my dick, b**h. I know people. ALONZO Kick back, who's-who. Alonzo finds rocks in one sock. Some twenties in the other. He pockets the cash and crack. Searches Crackhead #2. ALONZO Where's your horn? CRACKHEAD #2 Ain't got no horn. Alonzo finds a gla** pipe. ALONZO So what's this, chief? Gonna make you eat it. Instead, Alonzo grinds it underfoot. ALONZO You, stand up. Alonzo hauls Crackhead #1 to his feet. Unlocks the cuffs, tosses them to Jake. Crackhead #2 strains against the flexicuffs. ALONZO (to Crackhead #2) You get to keep those. Want to go to jail or go home? He steers Crackhead #1 to a wall -- co*ks his fist. ALONZO Ain't the first honey y'all pinned to a wall, huh? Close your eyes. Crackhead #1 does. Alonzo knees his groin -- oof! -- He falls to the ground, whimpers in the fetal position. ALONZO Lucky I got pressing business. Next time I cut your dick off and shove it up your a**. (pats Jake's back, winks) I'll leave you three alone for some quality time. Gonna grab some beer. Alonzo gets in the car, backs out of the alley. Jake watches Crackhead #1 whimper; Crackhead #2 writhes in the gutter. It's futile to beat these men. Jake takes pity, walks away. CRACKHEAD #2 p**y-a** fool. Gonna see your a** again. Gonna f** you up, b**h. Won't see sh** coming. Creep like a ninja and crack your head open. Blow your house up. Punk-a** white boy. Now you in my world, motherf**er. Jake stops and turns around. He stoops to pick up a pink plastic change purse. INSIDE CHANGE PURSE The Schoolgirl's bus pa** and her freshman ID from Sacred Convent High School. BACK TO SCENE Jake glares at the Crackheads. JAKE You a**holes! She's fourteen! CRACKHEAD #2 She all woman. Tax that a** for days. Man! Jake could kick his brains out. Somehow, he turns and walks away. CUT TO: 16 INT. G-RIDE (LONG BEACH AVE.) - MOVING - DAY 16 Jake steams. Alonzo offers a beer from a new sixer. Jake refuses. Alonzo counts and pockets the money he took. Notes Jake's stare. ALONZO Wanna book sixty bucks? Where're the suspects? JAKE You let them go. ALONZO Get over it. You wanna go runnin' and gunnin', stay in patrol. This is Investigations. Leave the garbage for the garbage men. We're professional anglers. We reel in the big ones. Shoulda dished out some shoe leather. You'd have a big 'ol smile on your face. JAKE I get my sh**s and grins booking bad guys, not beating them. ALONZO Man... The hell you doing running alone into an alley fulla cracked- out monkey-strong motherf**ers? Those hemorrhoids woulda k**ed you without mercy or hesitation. JAKE That's why they belong in prison. ALONZO They lost their money, their rock, got beat down and now the eses from Trece Flats are gonna smoke 'em. Jesus, what more do you want? JAKE Justice. ALONZO Is that not justice? JAKE That's street justice. ALONZO What's wrong with street justice? JAKE Let the animals wipe themselves out, right? ALONZO God willing. But it don't work like that. They wipe out the good folks. It's always school kids, mommies and a**-bustin' family men catching stray slugs in their noodles. You protect the flock by catching the wolves. And it takes a wolf to catch a wolf. JAKE What? ALONZO You protect -- JAKE I heard you. Whatever. a beat. JAKE When do you lock anyone up? Seems too busy keeping people out. Bad mistake. Alonzo slaps him. Glares at him. ALONZO Shut up, boot! Nothin' but sh** 'tween your ears. They build prisons cause a me! Judges have handed out fifteen thousand man years of incarceration time based on my investigations. My record speaks for itself. How many felons have you collared? Dickhead. Now that it's clear who's the boss, they drive in tense silence for a long beat. Alonzo digs in his pocket -- ALONZO Here... -- hands Jake the rocks he found. A beat. JAKE I'm not smoking crack. ALONZO Good. I'm glad to hear that. Toss 'em in the glove box. Jake does, sees several more rocks under some papers. ALONZO Comes in handy. Like a credit card. (offers Jake a beer) You earned it. C'mon. Jake refuses. ALONZO No matter what I say, I want you to know, you did the right thing. Reminds me of when I could chase down anyone and rock their world. You're a good cop. You got fire. That was some amazing sh** back there. JAKE Thanks. ALONZO That the choke hold I saw you applying? Isn't that a big no-no, procedure-boy? JAKE Well... I was getting my a**kicked. ALONZO You did what you had to do Alonzo gives Jake a beer and grins at him like a proud dad. ALONZO You got a magic eye, Hoyt. You have a goddamn magic eye. Up your street I.Q. and you'll do some damage, crime fighter. They clink cans. Jake smiles. 17 EXT. CENTRAL AVE. AND SLAUSON - DAY 17 If you don't know the neighborhood, stay the hell out. A Regal with four rough-looking gangsters bumps its radio through the intersection, oozing menace. Then the G-Ride rolls through the intersection. 18 INT. G-RIDE (CENTRAL AVE.) - MOVING - DAY The area fills Alonzo's eyes with memories. ALONZO Did my probation here. Learned a lot on these blocks. Kicked some a**. Had my a** kicked. JAKE Back in the day. ALONZO Yeah, back in the day. Been on the job thirteen years. Today's my date of employment. JAKE No sh**. Happy anniversary. They shake hands. ALONZO Thanks. Thirteen's an unlucky number. But I figure the seven to go cancel it out. Alonzo turns on McKinley. He reaches over, digs in the glove box. Pulls out a photograph and hands it to Jake. INSERT - PHOTO A spit-and-polish, young cop in crisp blues, white gloves, holding his pistol at inspection arms. BACK TO SCENE Jake looks at the photo, then at Alonzo. Realizing: JAKE You're Mr. Clean. ALONZO I had a few misconceptions when I started out. (notes a graffited wall) sh**'s going down. See that? JAKE Buncha graffiti. ALONZO Crossing out each other's placas like that. Ghettoville and the Locotes are at war. Alonzo rounds a corner. A driveby is under investigation. Several black and whites, crime-scene tape. A coroner's van. Flares block the street. A rookie gestures for Alonzo to stop. Alonzo badges him and drives around a bullet-riddled Cutla** with two dead gangsters spilling out the open doors. Jake gawks, Alonzo is utterly nonplussed. ALONZO Learn to read walls, not just street signs. Alonzo turns down an alley. Then pulls onto a boulevard. After a block, he pulls into a different neighborhood. Alonzo glimpses some pit bulls down a driveway. A beat later he points out a house. ALONZO On the left. See that house? Dude named Spooky lived there. Mean old vato loco. Mexican Mafia. No one messed with Spooky. Even got respect from the cops. We'd keep an eye on his house. You like dogs? JAKE Gotta six-year-old Rottweiler. Not too bright, but he's good with my kid. ALONZO Rotties are good dogs. Dobermans are better. Spooky raised Dobermans. On my second week of patrol, when I was not knowin' sh**, we roll by Spooky's one night. I observe this old, black fool named Too Fine, all drunk, beating the sh** out of this female Doberman. Beautiful dog, seven months old. Too Fine's whoopin' her with a garden hose. This dog's just crying, shaking. I grew up with Dobermans. I was pissed. I tell my T.O. 'I'm gonna take him.' And my T.O. is like: 'No, no. It's cool.' He waves to Too Fine and this motherf**er smiles and waves back and keeps hitting the dog. Thought I lost my damn mind. Tells me Spooky gave him twenty bucks to beat the sh** out of it. My T.O., this good 'ol boy, looks me in the eye and says: 'Teaches 'em to hate n******gs.' Almost quit right there. Almost got out of that black and white and took the bus home. Jake looks at Alonzo. JAKE That's f**ed-up. That's one of the most whacked things I ever heard. ALONZO Just remembered that. Every time I'd seen it all, the street'd show me something even more twisted. I know you didn't see no sh** like that in the Valley. JAKE No, I haven't. CUT TO: 19 thru 21 OMITTED 22 INT. G-RIDE (CRENSHAW BLVD.) - MOVING - DAY 22 Alonzo scans the infamous Boulevard searching for prey. Sees a gaunt DEALER on a corner, in a wheelchair. Alonzo hands Jake a twenty. ALONZO Still up twenty. Your turn. Put your hood up. JAKE What do I say? ALONZO Ad lib, boy. Use your words. He pulls over. The Dealer rolls up to Jake's side. DEALER What you want, homie? JAKE Crack. Twenty dollars' worth. DEALER f** you, rookie. He spins and rolls away quickly. Alonzo shoots Jake a look. ALONZO Fetch, boy. Fetch. Jake bolts from the car.

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