Broken jaw of a cartoon artist
Fight a war for word-space in the captions
140 characters to say it all
12,000 miles of spaces in between
I never listened to what the thunder said… [4 Time]
A million miles or more in a minute
You'll never know the needle in the haze
Forget-me-nots forgotten before May
Dry stones in April, no sounds of water
Drip drip drop
We are the farthest distance apart… [4 Time]
And then in the night, ethereal rumors
Waver in the light, it's too soon to know it all
Cause and then he's out, a force with no direction
Dry stones, no sounds, water from the wasteland
Reckless daring in a moment of a surrender
Which a thousand words of prudence can't take back
Retrace your footsteps and all of your pixel counts
The palace and the prison keep on getting built
Back to back
We are the farthest distance apart… [6 Time]
I can't even find silence in the wasteland... [4 Time]