Please take a moment this weekend and bow
Your head
For those who gave all; never coming home
They went to heaven instead
The ultimate sacrifice so we could live free
Put away the petty crap and for one day just
Be happy
Please take a moment to try to understand
What it's like to have a weapon of d**h in
Your hand
Watching your buddies fall one by one to the
Being scared as hell yet being brave enough to
Never back down
As a U.S. Marine I have given everything but
My life away
I have dug many holes I have buried the brave
Please don't let them go left unloved
Come this weekend send thanks to those up
If you see a survivor with tears in their eyes
Give them a hug and thank them for their
If you see a mother, a wife, a husband or a
Child kneeling by a grave
Please understand that the ultimate sacrifice
Has been made
Dedicated to my brothers and sisters who
Didn't make it home
May you rest peacefully you have earned it