His mercy, God's mercy
When I think of what I've done today
That I should not have done today
When I think of what I thought today
That I should not have thought today
Lord I thank You for mercy
Lord I thank You for mercy, everyday of my life I do
Lord I thank You for mercy, today
His mercy, God's mercy
Nobody but Jesus
When I think of what I've done today
That I should not have done today
When I think of what I thought today
That I should not have thought today
When I think of what I said today
That I should not have said today
When I think of what I wanted today
When I think of how I acted today
When I think of how I felt today
When I think of where I went today
When I think of what I thought today
That I should not have thought today
Lord I thank You for mercy, I lift both hands and say thank you
If it had not been for Your mercy where would I be, what would I do, what would I say, how would I walk, how would I talk
Lord I thank You for mercy
Lord I thank You for mercy today