Georgie Porgie used his 4G Group text to set up an orgy It's not just a smart phone, it's a Mensa So healthy it's made of polenta Not expensive and it tastes great It'll help you lose weight Lames can't hate The phone is a boat and the boat's ship shape I wish we could date It's so tip top It's magic and amazing and it won the Civil War Singlehandedly for the North So hip hop, ask Rick Ross He's got twelve You could write to Santa, you could mug an elf We should called it iBate Put the phone to vibrate Stick it in my pocket then I touch myself Add the Bluetooth undies
And I can steady talk it up When I be talking out my behind Get it get it get it And then I get it again and again You get a dozen of them And be buzzing like a beehive Is like an ancient demigod And I love it and I grovel at the feet of it And when it rings I leave it little offerings And all the mortal imitators got to go It's hotter than a habenero pepper in a lava flow I was lame and afraid But now I get laid And now I get paid It's better than competitors And spreading like an epidemic And you better get it or you're going to get AIDS