*Static and Tuning Dial*
[News Reporter 1:]
There's a certain amount of tension in the air and um... a certain amount of anxiety both among the troops and civilian population.
Uh, there's a definite feeling that... something is up, or about to be.
*Radio Station Changes*
We should consider that hostilities are imminent.
What does that mean? (War!)
That means that we need to get ready to fight.
*Radio Station Changes*
[News Reporter 2:]
Hundreds of thousands of pro democracy Ukrainian's in the streets today protested against the results of the president's election.
*Radio Station Changes*
If they shoot us... If they send tanks...
No matter what.
There is nothing that can defeat the will of the people.
*Heart beating with reverse effects*
[Tim Jones & Channel Jamil:]
There's a war being fought daily.
This war, is against oppression.