Match the code make no mistake, error could be fatal
Turn the key... launch on warning...
Sleek missles streak the sky with exhaust.. target awaits, the holocaust
We have pa**ed the point of no return.. can we afford to show remorse?
...As d**h draws near, the population cowers
Thirty minutes, away from the end of existence
Heatflash - atomic disarray
Millions perish in a single instant
Chaos wrenched from all relation of time and space
In the threshold of immence confusion
Vaporized - atoms separate... the human form, under metamorphosis
Hundreds of years of culture and civization
Are flattened into a desolate wasteland
Survivors... of nuclear destruction, live in a world cold and dark facing
Prolonged d**h
Those who met an immediate demise were saved from weeks of misery....