Shatter the fear in your heart. Listen to the screams of dead. Obtain a place from tombs of hell for yourself. Now I am walking on the road, to d**h.. ...a dark, misty road. ...opened the fog curtains out my front, one by one… …get the stairs of d**h, one by one… I keep walking nonstop to Where I become tranquil. Bodies, pending for d**h.. ...pinches between screaming souls But you can not hear this,
You can not feel in your marrows. They a little more closely, to the endless loneliness… Can you dress me d**h? Can you show yourself to me for the last time At that night? When saying farewell to life When the cold penetrating my body. When I see the d**h in my dreams. Touch me, last time. And take my d**h smelling soul to the place, Where you will have return