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All Va**line Albums
Permanence (2007)
24hrs *
Black Forest *
Curtainfall *
Dawn of the Apocalypse
Empty Prayers *
Eternal Recurrence *
Final Downfall *
For the War Within *
Heart of Hope *
Memories of One
Mind Control Part II *
New World Awaits
Outcry *
Blood of Immortality (2004)
Affirmation for the Desperated
An Ode to My Friend
Assa**in of d**h
Blood of Immortality
Caesar of an Occasion
Eventual Acception
Fear Coming
Flowers in the Sand
Last Cadence
Letalis Silentium *
Saddest End of One Fine Morning
Sanguinolentus Desperatio *
The Portrait of Your Funeral (2002)
Aspera Fotunae *
Boredom In The Pressure *
Don't Close Your Eyes *
Good Life *
Hortus Metus *
In This Madness *
Pierce A Knife In My Heart With Your Hands *
Pure *
Question & Answer *
Seed *
Seperation *
The Expression Of The Arrogant God *
See all Va**line songs