Your fifteen hundred bucks-a-month apartment Is paid for by a numbered bank account You don't care where it's coming from To you it does come easy And a new financé always can be found Wasting time on those meaningless possessions Always longing for the things that you have not You can try and try again Your ambitions are in vain When you should have known You're rich on what you've got For years you've been an excellent pretender The virgin in your smile is not for real But what k**s you is the difference between the life you're leading And the worry of exactly what you feel Close your eyes and take a look at your depression And the artificial things you do for love When you try and try again Your intentions might be vain
But the effort sure would help a lot For you to see We're rich on what we've got Oh we're rich on what we've got You don't care about a thing you own To you they do come easy But with all you have You are still alone Wasting time on those meaningless possessions Running after what you're never going to need Here you go and try again Will you hunger ever come to an end When you go through all the junk you've got You'll find you really haven't got a lot Close your eyes, take a look at your depression And the artificial things you love so much When you try and try again Your ambition might be vain But the effort sure would help a lot For you to see We're rich on what we've got