Well I woke up in the Lion's Mane Kissing silhouettes of mountains dancing in the moonlight Am I awake or is this a dream? Or am I awaking into a state of wakefulness Buried deep in my deepest dreaming sleep? You can only guess what happened next I swallowed an apple seed and gave birth to angel's wings Which lifted me to the top of this orange grove Where I saw a man trying to count All the oranges All the trees And all the leaves Turns out this man was me Losing count and starting over Losing count and starting over Chasing my own tale until I got dizzy And fell asleep in the clouds Well I woke up in the Lion's Mane On a single lane road deep within God's Dreadlocks
When I gave my banana to the blind man Only to realize who was really blind My eyes couldn't decide My eyes couldn't define My eyes couldn't see that this blind man was me We then continued to a village of meeting rivers Where Mother Earth washed me down and gave me a new birth Where my sight was restored And I could see all the gems hiding on the ocean's floor Well I dove in Actually did a canon ball And swam deeper and deeper As things got clearer and clearer And when I saw all of the sharks I wasn't afraid For this time enshrined in my heart was the Almighty's Name I think my sanity has gone insane I woke up in the Lion's Mane