A lurid clamor
Sick pity into witness
Persuasion by rival
Namesake caution
Earthrisen to bask
In the ghostwritten
Mince words, of hunches and system
Real crypts for sparing this, our tendency
Not for trade, browbeaten and sitting sands
Sunless enduring cringeworthy, sheer duty
To the root of character we can forge
Marvelously in a deep, black sleep
Make haste, spoils of dominion
Blemished and preyed upon
By strategy undermined
The hectic eventual
Blisses for business
With yearning, the shrill glint
Apart, sulking in traces
Exchange, likened to burning
Biding time, we can find a sly, fertile text
Nursery to the beast, taunts the scripted seed
Marvelously in a deep, black, glory-bound haze
Liberty, come the fierce twin of spirits seized
Even as we speak, the supreme
Love being
Sisterhood prospers
We speak in shards
It mauls, the harrowing
Gravewards ridden, stalklike
Dim, writhes the supple signs
Cellared and spy, wisps routine
Maternal drifts in league, amidst
Love being
Lifting, grueling flesh, unannounced
Drenches, it bores the tempted, selves
For pose, propulsion, wit's end to splendor
From feud and without clue, larger measures
Sisterhood and the system
Infancy divine, a manner of speaking
In ridicule and on display or in gusts at play
Wilted mine, our last laugh, fatique flourishes
In bellowing, perfect perpetual
Web we spin is a thrilling ancestry so crude
Winces to plague our murk and see serene