Trinovantes Demetae, Caledonii
Brigante Catuvellauni Gododdin
Durotrige Ordovices Iceni
Cenimagni Selgovae Cornovii
Dumnonii Segontiaci
Regini Cantiaci
Come together tribes of Albion
Trinovantes Demetae, Caledonii
Brigante Catuvellauni Gododdin
Silures wotadini Iceni
Come together tribes of Albion
Oh, soft
Together we are one, one tribe, one tongue,
Our blood is our honour
Our honour our sacred land
And we shall die here to a man
For here we stand, here we fight.
Raise the mead horns in the great hall of the gods
Here we fight
Here we stand
And we will die with sword in hand