What's this bu*ton for? (x4)
Why don't you try reading a book?
I'd love to, Greg, but I have no time to look!
The Captain's reaction is getting distracted
I can't help myself! Oh, I just gotta know!
What's this bu*ton for? (x4)
Captain, why don't you try and paint?
I'd love to, Greg, but I just can't concentrate!
Painting a picture of a spaceship mixture
I can't help myself! Oh, I just gotta know!
What's this bu*ton for? (x4)
Why don't you try cooking some food?
I'd love to, Greg, but I'm not in the mood
Cooking some pasta is the raddled disaster
I can't help myself! Oh, I just gotta know!
What's this bu*ton for? (x4)