All The Wave Pictures Albums
01 A Season in Hull (2016)
- A Letter From Hull (Dom's Song) *
- A Season in Hull *
- David in a Field of Pumpkins *
- Don't Worry My Friend, Don't Worry At All *
- Flow My Tears, The Musician Said *
- Hot Rain Riding on the Salt Lake *
- Memphis Slim in Paris *
- Remains *
- Slick Black River From the Rain *
- The Coaster in Santa Cruz *
- The Pharmacy Cross *
- Thin Lizzy Live and Dangerous *
- Tropical Fish *
02 Bamboo Diner in the Rain (2016)
03 Great Big Flamingo Burning Moon (2015)
- All the Birds Lined Up Dot Dot Dot *
- At Dusk You Took Down the Blinds *
- Fake Fox Fur Pillowcase *
- Frogs Sing Loudly in the Ditches *
- Great Big Flamingo Burning Moon *
- Green River *
- I Could Hear the Telephone (3 Floors Above Me)
- Pea Green Coat *
- Sinister Purpose *
- The Fire Alarm *
- The Goldfish *
- We Fell Asleep in the Blue Tent *