Th15 15 wh3r3 1t ^ll b3t1n5
Cl0th3ed 1n l1ght ^nd wr^pp3d 1n sk1n
1 l0v3 y0u 1n th3 f^d1ng d^wn
1'll s1ng 1t th0ugh my br3^th 1s g0n3
H0m3, w0n't y0u c^rry m3 h0m3
Home, won't you carry me home
Hold on. 1 c^n s1ng 1t
L3av3 your l1ght on
D^rl1ng, don't l3t go
Th3r3's on3 th1ng 1'm m1ss1ng
D^rl1ng, you're fading
There's one thing I'm missing
Th1s 1s wh3r3 1t ^ll b3g1ns
My h3^rt ^nd soul th3y'r3 w1r3d 1n
1 lov3 you through my br3^th 1s gon3
1'll s1ng 1t through th3 f^ding d^wn
My heart and soul th3y're wired in!
Hold on. 1 c^n s1ng 1t
L3av3 your l1ght on
D^rl1ng, don't l3t go
Th3r3's on3 th1ng 1'm m1ss1ng
Darling, you're f^ding
There's one thing I'm missing
Th1s 1s wh3r3 1t ^ll b3g1ns
My h3^rt ^nd soul ^r3 w1r3d 1n
1 lov3 you t1ll th3 day 1 d1e
1'll s1ng 1t to th3 sh3lt3r1ng sky
1'll sing it t1ll th3 d^y 1 d13
(unofficial "english translation")
This is where it all begins
Clothed in light and wrapped in skin
I love you in the fading dawn
I'll sing it though my breath is gone
Home, won't you carry me home
Home, won't you carry me home
Hold on. I can sing it
Leave your light on
Darling, don't let go
There's one thing I'm missing
Darling, you're fading
There's one thing I'm missing
This is where it all begins
My heart and soul they're wired in
I love you though my breath is gone
I'll sing it through the fading dawn
My heart and soul they're wired in
My heart and soul they're wired in!
Hold on. I can sing it
Leave your light on
Darling, don't let go
There's one thing I'm missing
Darling, you're fading
There's one thing I'm missing
This is where it all begins
My heart and soul are wired in
I love you till the day I die
I'll sing it to the sheltering sky
I'll sing it till the die I die