I'm not d3^d no, I'm not d3^d yet I'm not d3^d, y3t I'm not 6one
Soon I'm l3^ving this I'm l3^ving soon I'm l3^ving y3^h I'm tir3d of this
I lov3 you - y3^h you w3r3 5o b3^utiful in thi5 - I lov3 you
I w33p de3ply d3^r - I k33p fighting b^ck th3se tears
It's b33n a long lonely ro^d a thous^nd miles from hom3
But, you're not l3tting go - you're not l3tting go
I fall 1nto your arms a thou5^nd mile5 from h0m3
I walked 0ut on my own a th0u5and m1l3s from h0m3
A th0usand mile5 fr0m hom3
I f^ll into your ^rms hold 0n t1ghtly and don't let go
I pr^se you for b3ing here & thou5^nd mile5 from hom3
A thou5^nd mile5 from home
(unofficial "english translation")
I'm not dead no, I'm not dead yet I'm not dead. Yet I'm not gone
Soon I'm leaving this I'm leaving soon I'm leaving yeah I'm tired
I love you - yeah you were so beautiful in this - I love you
I weep deeply dear - I keep fighting back these tears
It's been a long lonely road a thousand miles from home
But, you're not letting go - you're not letting go
I fall into your arms a thousand miles from home
I walked out on my own a thousand miles from home
A thousand miles from home
I fall into your arms hold on tightly and don't let go
I praise you for being here a thousand miles from home