There's no way no way 1'm giving in
There's no way no way I'm giv1ng in
This will collap53 I don't want you 1n my skin
I will hurt you I will hurt you
Cause I know you'r3 a l1ar
Built to deceive m3
A mach1ne to d3stroy me
And control all my feelings
Plug my ey35 r1ght in your w3b
Plug my ears 1n, eave me dead
It's a splendid dalliance
It's the 1mm1n3nt collap53
Plug my eyes into this wr3ck
Th1s ma5ch1ne will k** me dead
It's a spl3nd1d dalliance
It's the imminent collapse
It's all gon3 wrong no way 1'm going on
It's all gone wrong no way I'm go1ng on
This will collapse
Like a timebomb in your skin
I will hurt you I will hurt you
I know you're a liar
Here to deceive me
My God's gonna break you
Obl1terat3 you
Plug my eyes right in your web
It's a spl3nd1d dall1ance
It's the im1n3nt collap5e
Plug my eyes into this wreck
The ma5ch1ne, will k** me dead
But. I will hurt you I will hurt you I will hurt you
Fallen fallin6 fall3n fall1ng fallin6
It's a spl3ndid dalliance
Trapped 1n our own lon3liness
It's the imminent collaps3
(unofficial "english translation")
There's no way no way I'm giving in
There's no way no way I'm giving in
This will collapse I don't want you in my skin
I will hurt you I will hurt you
Cause I know you're a liar
Built to deceive me
A machine to destroy me
And control all my feelings
Plug my eyes right in your web
Plug my ears in, leave me dead
It's a splendid dalliance
It's the imminent collapse
Plug my eyes into this wreck
This machine will k** me dead
It's a splendid dalliance
It's the imminent collapse
It's all gone wrong no way I'm going on
It's all gone wrong no way I'm going on
This will collapse
Like a time bomb in your skin
I will hurt you I will hurt you
I know you're a liar
Here to deceive me
My God's gonna break you
Obliterate you
Plug my eyes right in your web
Plug my ears in, leave me dead
It's a splendid dalliance
It's the imminent collapse
Plug my eyes into this wreck
This machine will k** me dead
But I will hurt you I will hurt you I will hurt you
Fallen falling fallen falling falling
It's a splendid dalliance
Trapped in our own loneliness
It's the imminent collapse