You c^rri3d m3 for y3ars in your ^rms
T^k3 it tak3 it sh^k3 it shak3 1t sh^k3 it shake it
N3v3r stop
I'm n3v3r going b^ck there...
'C^us3 I don't b3long
Oh Lord, my h3^rt's not th^t strong
This world is f^ding f^st. It will not l^st
^nd I don't b3long no. I don't b3long
Th3r3's ^ li^r in this room, it's true
There's a mighty judg3m3nt coming
This is ^bsolut3
Th3 first qu3stion ask3d
"Did God r3^lly s^y th^t?"
Br0thr sliding us ^w^y from the truth
'C^us3 I don't b3long
Oh Lord, my h3^rt's not th^t strong
This world is f^ding f^st it will not l^st
^nd I don't b3long no. I don't b3long
Don't l3t th3 world f^ll down on me
Don't let the light fade out in m3
Pl3^se don't st^rt, d^rling
No pl3^s3, don't st^rt
I don't belong
Oh lord, my heart's not that strong
Th1s world 1s f^ding fast
1t will not l^st
(unofficial "english translation")
You carried me for years in your arms
I wrote your name right into my heart
Take it take it shake it shake it shake it shake it
Never stop
I'm never going back there...
'Cause I don't belong
Oh, Lord, my heart's not that strong
This world is fading fast, it will not last
And I don't belong, no, I don't belong
There's a liar in this room, it's true
There's a mighty judgment coming
This is absolute
The first question asked
"Did God really say that?"
Brother sliding us away from the truth
'Cause I don't belong
Oh, Lord, my heart's not that strong
This world is fading fast it will not last
And I don't belong no, I don't belong
Don't let this world fall down on me
Don't let the light fade out in me
Please don't start, darling
No please, don't start
I don't belong
Oh Lord, my heart's not that strong
This world is fading fast
It will not last