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All The Tarriers Albums
Gather 'Round (1964)
Come on In this House *
Crawdad Song *
Little Boxes
Long Time Man *
Manhã de Carnaval / One Note Samba *
My Ramblin' Boy *
Pick a Bale of Cotton *
Quinto *
Rawhide *
A Live Performance Recorded at "The Bitter End" (1960)
Cape Cod Boys *
Eric's Banjo *
Little Liza *
Mary Ann *
Pastures of Plenty *
Ride Up *
Sk**et *
Swing Down *
The Water Is Wide *
Tell the World About This (1960)
All the Good Times *
Angels Watching over Me
Bald-Headed Woman *
Bile Them Cabbage Down *
Dark as a Dungeon *
John Hardy *
Jordan's River *
Little Maggie *
Lonesome Traveler *
Red Apple Juice *
Seven Daffodils *
Take this Hammer *
This Train *
You Can Tell the World *
Hard Travelin' (1959)
Darlin' *
Gwineup *
Hard Travelin'
If You Love God *
John B *
River Bend *
Swing Low *
Times Are Getting Hard *
The Tarriers (1957)
Acres of Clams *
Choucoune *
Drill, Ye Tarriers, Drill
East Virginia *
Everybody Loves Saturday Night *
I Know Where I'm Going *
Lonesome Traveller *
Pretty Boy *
Rock Island Line *
Shadrack *
Those Brown Eyes
Tom Dooley *
Trouble in Mind *
Cindy, oh Cindy (1956)
Cindy, Oh Cindy
Only if You Praise the Lord *
See all The Tarriers songs