I was born down the hall from here
A jaundiced fawn with a conscience clear
I grew up, I threw up, f** piss sh**ted
I did what I had to do, found my way out
And boy, was I committed
Deep sea, deep space, deep tissue ma**age
Keep the car clean, keep it running in the garage
Fell down the Wellbutrin, to hell with well-being
Get down on my knees and pray to the eye
That's all-seeing and hard of hearing
Lost sleep, lost appetite
Now I'm beginning to lose the light
And the blues, yeah, I got the blues all right
I take two in the morning and three at night
And first I don't succeed and then
I dust it off and try again
I dust it off and try again
I dust it off and try again
I dust it off and try again
I dust it off and try again
The nicotine patch is giving Nikki the rash
She's yelling "f** Dr. Marvin, f** arts, f** crafts!"
Nurse Ratchet said, "Next group in five minutes, honey"
I'm busy rewriting this letter to send to nobody
Lost sleep, lost appetite
Now I'm beginning to lose the fight
And we're fresh outta blues, all we got is black
I want my shoes and drawstrings back
And first I don't succeed and then
I dust it off and try again
I dust it off and try again
I dust it off and try again
I ask, "why can't we forgive?"
To mourn a life that's still being lived
Dust it off and try again
Dust it off and try again
Check me out, babe
Check me in, so I don't try checking out again
Make my bed, I'll make pretend
I've faith in modern medicine, and
Faith in faith and faith in man
And nearly really anything
Let's give this SRI a try
Up the benzodiazepines
Terry can't sleep deep down inside
And I know exactly what she means
New day, fluorescent sunrise
There's nothing to do in this damn place but pace
Daddy's looking at me through different eyes
Refill this caffeine twice, despite the taste
Have I become uncomfortably numb?
Another after-school sitcom rerun
I think I'm dumb, I know I'm dumb
For trying to be a someone
And trying to be a human being
All I know is that it all means nothing
And hope and joy and faith are just girl's names
And I hereby resign mine mama
Don't bring me flowers on visiting hours