All The Mars Volta Albums
01 Noctourniquet (2016)
02 Octahedron (2016)
03 Scabdates (2016)
04 Octahedron Noctourniquet (2009)
05 Goliath (2008)
06 The Bedlam In Goliath (2008)
07 Amputechture (2006)
08 A Missing Chromosome (2005)
09 Frances The Mute (2005)
- A. Vade Mecum
- B. Pour Another Icepick
- C. Pisacis (Phra-Men-Ra)
- Ca**andra Gemini
- Ca**andra Gemini I
- Ca**andra Geminni - A. Tarantism
- Ca**andra Geminni, C. Faminepulse
- Ca**andra Geminni, D. Multiple Spouse Wounds
- Ca**andra Geminni: Faminepulse
- Ca**andra Geminni: Multiple Spouse Wounds
- Ca**andra Geminni: Plant a Nail in the Navel Stream
- Ca**andra Geminni: Sarcophagi
- Ca**andra Geminni: Tarantism
- Ca**andragemini B-plant A Nail In The Navel Stream
- Con Safo
- Cygnus... Vismund Cygnus
- D. Con Safo
- Facilis Descenus Averni
- Faminepulse
- Frances The Mute
- L'via L'viaquez
- L'via L'viaquez (english translation).
- Miranda That Ghost Just Isn't Holy Anymore: Pisacis (Phra-Men-Ma)
- Miranda, That Ghost Just Isn't Holy Anymore
- Multiple Spouse Wounds
- Plant a Nail in the Navel Stream
- Sarcophagi
- Tarantism
- The Widow
- Umbilical Syllables