If lady luck is on my side
She will be with me tonight
I barely made this month's rent
Save a lucky hand of cards
I'll think of something next month
Four flights down to the street
To a place we agree to meet
And she is there waiting so very patiently
Tonight just celebrate luck
Tonight for sure
So I try to live every second of it
So as not to forget
How I, how I felt
Always could make you laugh
And I found comfort in that
Old stereos set fire to our ears
Inspired us to put down our nervousness
And forget our fears
Got a bottle full of rum
We won't stop until we're done
And we forget
You're leaving
Now you're getting on a plane
You'll arrive in spain
Such a foreign place
Where they speak in such a foreign tone
It's all foreign to me
Tonight we'll say goodbye
Tonight for sure
So I try to take a picture
With my mind
So as not to forget
How beautiful, how beautiful
You are