I don't really think you know too much about anything, or anything in this life, so proceed to tell me you know everything. I don't really care too much at all about a government, or who's in office now; proceed to tell me you know everything. And the trivia goes round and round, like a paper boy riding his route. I'm screaming now straight at the boss: "WHY IS THERE A JEW ON THE CROSS?" He's saying: I don't really know too much at all about anything. The ten commandments are fake, but proceed to tell me you know everything. I don't really care too much at all about protect and serve, nor do I know too much, so proceed to tell me you know everything. And the trivia goes around and around, like a paper boy riding his route.
I'm screaming now straight at the boss: "WHY IS THERE A JEW ON THE CROSS?" He's saying: Well we're over-populated. Our president you know has stated. Listen to his recommendations. They will make you feel quite accommodated. But he don't really know too much at all about anything, or anything about life, proceed to tell us you know everything. 'Cause I don't really think you know too much about anything, or anything about life; proceed to tell me you know everything. You know everything, yeah.