The Nudist and Mr. Pendleton
Gonna beat it on down the road
One is nude and one's a dog
They're no losers
They both know there's something wrong
'Cause one of them's a naked man
One is nude and one's a dog On the road from Rome to France
Laughing all the way
One's a man that wears no pants
The Nudist is his name
Number two is Pendleton
All dog right to his nose
But he can't make that Nudist wear no clothes The Nudist and Mr. Pendleton
Gonna beat it on down the road
One is nude and one's a dog
They're no losers
They both know there's something wrong
'Cause one of them's a naked man
One is nude and one's a dog Bah bah bah bah dah bah bah bah bah
Bah dah bah bah bah dah bah bah bah
Bah dah bah bah bah dah bah bah bah
Bah dah bah bah bah dah bah bah bah