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All The Ladybug Transistor Albums
Clutching Stems (2011)
Breaking Up the Beat *
Caught Don't Walk *
Clutching Stems *
Fallen and Falling *
Hey Jack I'm on Fire *
Ignore the Bell *
Into the Straight *
Life Less True *
Light on the Narrow Gauge *
Oh Christina *
Can't Wait Another Day (2007)
Always on the Telephone
Broken Links *
California Stopover
For No Other *
Here Comes the Rain *
I'm Not Mad Enough
In-Between *
Lord, Don't Pa** Me By
So Blind
Terry *
This Old Chase *
Three Days from Now *
The Ladybug Transistor (2003)
3=Wild *
Choking on Air *
Gospel *
Hangin' on the Line *
In December *
NY-San Anton *
Please Don't Be Long *
Song for the Ending Day *
Splendor in the Gra** *
The Last Gent *
The Places You'll Call Home *
These Days in Flames *
Argyle Heir (2001)
Brighton Bound *
Catherine Elizabeth
Caton Gardens *
Echoes *
Fires on the Ocean *
Fjords of Winter *
Going Up North (Icicles) *
In a Certain Place *
Nico Norte *
Perfect for Shattering *
The Gla** Pane *
The Reclusive Hero
Wooden Bars
Words Hang in the Air *
The Albemarle Sound (1999)
Aleida's Theme *
Cienfuegos *
Like a Summer Rain
Meadowport Arch *
Oceans in the Hall *
Oriental Boulevard *
Six Times *
The Automobile Song
The Great British Spring *
The Swimmer *
Today Knows
Vale of Cashmere *
Beverley Atonale (1997)
Forest Marching Song *
Here Is Your Space *
It Will Be a Lifetime *
Music for Tennis Courts *
Rushes of Pure Spring *
The Occasional *
The Swedish Libra and You *
The Swedish Libra II *
This Order Is Tall *
Thoughts of You *
Windy *
Your Wagging Tail (Single Space) *
Marlborough Farms (1995)
(Theme To) Lout *
95 Miles Per Hour *
Blaze *
Land *
Magic Forest Report *
Seadrift *
Sneedle *
Song for Vocoder and Trumpet *
Twice a Lifetime *
Wheel *
See all The Ladybug Transistor songs