All The Kalin Twins Albums
01 When (1992)
- A Picture of You *
- Chicken Thief *
- Clickety Clack *
- Dream of Me
- Forget Me Not
- I'm Gonna Knock on Your Door *
- It's Just Terrible *
- It's Only the Beginning *
- Jumpin' Jack *
- Little Miss Blue *
- Make Love to Me *
- Momma Poppa *
- Moody *
- No Money Can Buy *
- Oh! My Goodness *
- One More Time *
- School Bell Dream *
- Sweet Sugar Lips *
- The Spider and the Fly *
- Three O'clock Thrill *
- Walkin' to School *
- When
- When I Look in the Mirror
- You Mean the World to Me *
- Zing, Went the Strings of My Heart *