Shame on them, the creation of chaos, a stab in the back.
Full of regrets in all its possible forms, mercy on the sins
for the humans and their creators. Should have known,
out of all kind of design, only a matter of time until this
race shows their true self, no evolution, back to the pri-
mitive. Why sympathy for them? Ravaging everything
in their way, corrupting what they touch, there is no-
thing special about these filthy pigs. A new stage will be
undertaken and will be very sad for those disgusting
land cowards. We will relegate them of the realm of su-
pernatural saints. Every candle of hope is a light off,
every prayer is meaningless, the purpose’s failure, mis-
fortune whispered in their ears breaking free from this
mess. The wrath of the gods, a blur horizon of a woun
ded pride, the downfall is eminent, the order should be
restored, but this mistake will be repaired with blood,
eradicating this plague from inside, behold the punish-
ment in the bones, the darkness will cover that degraded
earth. Slaughtering this fake version of man, removing
these anomalies from the face of the universe. Untou-
chable targets we have to destroy, with the risk of their
own knowledge, the soul is always the weakest point,
bury them all, clutching them to d**h with cold (satis-