All The Fatima Mansions Albums
01 Come Back My Children (1995)
02 Lost In The Former West (1995)
03 Popemobile (1994)
04 Valhalla Avenue (1992)
05 Bertie's Brochures (1991)
06 Viva Dead Ponies (1990)
- A Pack of Lies
- Angel's Delight
- Broken Radio #1
- Broken Radio No. 1
- Ceaușescu Flashback *
- Chemical Cosh
- Concrete Block *
- Farewell Oratorio
- Legoland 3 *
- Look What I Stole For Us, Darling
- More Smack, Vicar *
- Mr. Baby
- Pack Of Lies
- Start the Week *
- The Door-to-door Inspector
- The White Knuckle Express
- Thursday
- Tima Mansio Speaks *
- Viva Dead Ponies
- You're A Rose