When you gonna get yourself well?
Ah look at you, you got so sick
Lean on me, I'll help you get well
Ah look at you, you got so sick
Well I'm gonna tell a little story
About that time I stayed here
If you don't like it you can tell them all
It's me and I lied about you
Lean on me, I'll help you get well
Ah look at you, you got so sick
But I know you, you used to be well
Oh, how on earth did you get yourself sick?
Well I'm gonna tell a little story
About that time I stayed here
If you don't like it you can tell them all
It's me and I lied about you
Lean on me, I'll help you get well
Ah look at you, you got so sick
But I know you, you used to be well
Oh so how on earth did you get yourself sick?
Well I'm gonna tell a little story
About that time I last stayed here
If you don't like it, you can tear it up
And take it to the grave with you