We found a thing in the green green gras
Lance lots of leaves, lance lots of leaves, this needs to last
No we can see things, see things in the dark!
Let's do business son, pile them on the cart
They're forming lines by the water side
What is this effect?
Hold open your mouth take a dive
What is this effect?
We found a thing in the purple gras
Lance lots of leaves, lance lots of leaves demand to last
No we can see things, see things in the dark!
We have a business son, quick pile them on the cart
They're lighting lanterns jumping roof to roof
What is this effect?
Laughing backwards at the edge of the lagoon
What is this effect?
They don't even know we're here
They don't even know we're here, listen
We'll take a swim out on the lake
And watch our friends ride windmill baldes
Were you ever so happy just to undulate?
And to care about nothing, absolutely nothing
We found a thing in the deep deep gras
We lots of leaves, there's lots of leaves, to last the night
No we can see things, see things in the dark!
Back outside for sunrise, when we'll refill the cart