Alright you are back on 23FM
Your home base of cla**ic oz rock
Where the red hot hits
Are comin' at ya 24 hours a day
Right now we're halfway through a no repeat, double shot
Commercial free, all request, ultimate album side workforce music marathon
And let's kick it along with this guy
I'm a skateboard rocker
My haircut's a shocker
And my clothes are op-shop rejects
I got a new sensation
Strange relationship with Jason Donovan's ex
Sometimes I think I'm Jagger
Sometimes I look like a dork
I just wish I could dance in these stupid black pants
But it's hard enough to even walk
Oh you know I think there's a message in that song for us all
Don't mess with non prescription d**
You got your stereo dial anchored on 23FM
This country's biggest and best music mix
And speaking of big lets do some Dragon
Ohhh! We've been around so many years no-one knows our age
But when we play at concerts now they reinforce the stage
Were blocking out the April sun every time we move about Ohhh!
We haven't had a groupie since Jenny Craig. Kicked us out.
And don't forget Marc and the boys will down in Melbourne this weekend
Playing support to the Westgate Bridge
Your on 23FM hey we just got a message here from the boys in blue
For the owner of a silver porshe rego number STUD 01
"You're a complete wa*ker"
Alright let's go way back now the former king of pop
Now king of cool. Darryl
Well I used to wear tight satin flares
And drive teenage girls insane
Now those dacks are gone
And my shirt stays on
But the mic technique is still the same
Sometimes now as the days go by
I remember with disbelief
One summer when old Sid was a boy
And my fans all had their own teeth
Awwh yeah there's a guy who wrote the book
And like a fine bottle of wine
He just keeps on getting better how's that. 23FM Here's Kate
"Oui mi su grande"
When I mentioned my love dimensions
Who could possibly resist
With these bedroom eyes and carport thighs
I'm a s**y scientologist
Sometimes I sing the blues, sometimes its disco pop
Sometimes I wonder how I squeezed into this top
Are we talking about one foxy lady or what?
Coming to you loud and live right here on your cla**ic rock connection 23 FM
We sing of dust and blue sky mines and people forced to beg
I look like a man that's trying to dance with 240 volts up each leg
So put down that toupee
I don't need no hair
Just a decent hat
A seat in senate
And some chiropractic care
Okay your on 23FM cruising through another cla**ic rock regatta
And time to check out today's weather
Fine and mild that's the call from the boys in the bureau
Speaking of calls hello
Hello am I on?
G'day its Wayne here
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the music you're playing..
Hey thanks a lot
..not very much at all
Thanks Wayne just for you lets backtrack now with five more in a row
"Our fashion sense has failed"
"We look like beached whales"
"I need to be in bed by 9:15"
"Gonna be a superstar with the right producer and a decent bra"
"Our records don't go gold they just go green"
Aint it the truth
23FM ready to rock got some traffic news here
It's heavy downtown, moving slow in the suburbs
And the freeway's doin' what a freeway should
And you know I've been thinking hey call me a greenie
But aint it time this government did something about the ozone layer
And hydroflurocarbons I mean what is the correct spelling? Let's get that sorted out.....