Sorry that we had 2 break sorry that we couldn't stay sorry if u hurt in deep and i wouldn't do that but u just not waite sorry 4 da way u r sorry that u brok my heart all dis time belivin u u took no one els would do this is how u bay me back play me like fool like am nothing 2 u am not goanna hide 4rom u ma frindz ............ good 2 do how just live u with this words pluse u baby as an lead
Hope u found ur lover in ur life
Hope when u maken ur waife
Why they put da ring on
Hope u see chidz on ris
Hope when u start can right
She could be da reaison not 2 do the things u do it with me makes u wanna b a better man he standing and very waityt and i hope she's taken
I hope she is taken 2 littel so deep like i did 2 u so what idid 2 ................
I give u evvery thing ......................
I make u belive
I hope 2night u found aman of ur dreams
I hope u give u everything that u need and u can give him what u saking 4rom i can explin why u headn on me
Wonder if even no is what takin 4rom me take control it's way from da mine in me this boys that inside me sorry 4 how ever comes 2 love me after u mister my hands daz why i am so froris i won't purr apin all of this is
Hope u found ur lover in ur life
Hope when u maken ur waife
Why they put da ring on
Hope u see chidz on ris
Hope when u start can right
She could be da reaison not 2 do the things u do it with me makes u wanna b a better man he standing and very waityt and i hope she's taken
And all this is time all night i know that i sould let u go i should knew somthin new some1 new and all this time my picther u with her i won't ..................................................her
Hope u found ur lover in ur life
Hope when u maken ur waife
Why they put da ring on
Hope u see chidz on ris
She's already taken
I hope u come back 2me on ur neiz hope u think 4me baby pleaiz tomas when i see it am already taken..