Bet in his diary there are blueprints of his faces. Yep, and a little arrow
pointing to where his eyeball rolled from the page. Yep, and bounced
once on the floor. Bet a diamond glistens in the ear floating in the ma-
son jar on his desk. Bet his collar-bone is made of gold. Bet he's never heard of Mary Shelley -- Hell, bet he can only read sheet music! God-damn, Brother, Prince just changed his name! Doctors say latex is age-less. Doctors say the body is nothing but money. Bet his tongue quivers in a pillbox. Bet his tongue is shy, in debt, and depressed. Bet he sings: Praise be to Edison's lightbulb and the scalpel! Bet he sings: Praise be to the nursemaid who sells her womb! Bet he sings: Praise be to hyperrealism, hypodermics, John Merrick and the poise of man-nequins! Bet it'll be a closed casket in the end. And enough flowers to
cover Texas. And a dozen biographies in the first month! Yep, bet no
one finds the diary. Bet no one finds the face.