For each time I've offered you chances to make change Both my hands you push away Close my eyes against words intruding in their place When you stain the things I have with grey. Told your friends our secrets presenting only me In a black light sight unseen Then you chastise me just for going out each week And just staying up with family Every time that we fight apologize and say you're right And every time that we drive won't want to stay the ride Though I've been trapped between two moments time I won't stay this time. pessimist from birth, criticize but never change
You've attached to father's knee Never worked at much, never knew a hardship week Just the times your hand extends to me. Worked around your schedule and burned vacation days Gave you all effort free watched my plans move on without the benefit of me oh no longer will I wait to see I refuse to give up the last of my good years For someone whose view can't change Instead of looking out, tried to work our problem in Now I have to stop and break our ways Someday when your chances come I'll be the one you want for now.