Soft flesh revealed itself amply Summer raised hems to the thighs Shoulders shimmered and cleavage clocked By heedfully chancing eyes A cool beverage beckoned Mates catching up for the week. Numerous were the distractions (A welcome distraction to seek) Cloth clinging round the curvaceous Or floating to veil female form A fall of the Sun made transparent The cottons and synthetics worn There on a seat in the corner Stretching the tone of her limbs A girl on her own with sweet posture Took innocent sips of her Pimms One of the mates eyes meandered Through the canyon of hope 'tween her legs Her positioning gave him an angle As he nursed the last 'gla** clinging' dregs The girl gathered up all her moneys Slid lithely of off her chair Yet even with careful manoeuvre gave glimpse of her white underwear The man felt his loins aching gently He savoured her neat revelation The girl met the steel of his glances Then smiled at the realisation He blushed with the rise of his semi She purchased a drink then walked back Sat down with a glance at his table (And let her legs open a crack) He watched as she put on her lip stick Making no qualms of his gaze Pretending to pay no attention She acted at not being phased So obvious was the attraction Physical distance made pale Who would close down the small chasm? Would it be female or male? It was his turn for refilling So he pointed requests from his friends
Then he strolled to the bar to place orders But made sure he went down to her end While he awaited the bar maid To fill up the gla**es with beer He casually lent up beside her A whispered some words in her ear He swept back her hair oh so gently That goose bump appeared on her neck warm blood rushed to regions yet hidden ('Come meet me out side in a sec? ') The grin at her lips gave the answer She knocked back the Pimms that remained He dished out the pints to his buddies Who were not wise at all to his game! Unwatched by his mates, busy Ga**ing He sneaked off out side for some 'air' Nodding his head as he pa**ed her She soon duly followed him there The warmth of the sun was upon them Their hands entwined naturally In search of a more quiet side street Their touch shared electricity At last, a mews meeting their purpose Two bodies together were thrown Lips found the taste they'd been yearning Hands found erogenous zones She stroked all along his erection He thrilled that her gusset was moist The brush of his touch made her tremble Approved by the groan of her voice Lust had no hint of subsiding But obviously they had to slow Exchanging their names, they decided That for a sit down they should go In shock at their intimate intro Neither had done such before A more usual date was suggested As they whispered their needy 'encore '! ! ! ! !