the ocean came out of the
sea and descended from
the sky at the same time
not knowing if when it
touched land it would want to
f** or consume or ignite
or what difference there was
worth discerning
especially since it was dark
and the ocean was made
mostly of light and so couldn't
see very well away from itself
and it stepped on a man who
was fishing on the beach and
it k**ed the man instantly and
was aware but unconcerned
and this made the ocean feel
aware and concerned
because all life is precious or
so the man said once to it
so it sat on the beach and
peeled the man off of its foot
and yelled at his corpse 'your
d**h is the price paid for you
calling me 'it''
and the ocean felt there was
no justice or peace or
transcendence and cried a
long stream of blood water
and gas
and then after an hour of not
being able to climax she laid
back with her hair in the sea
and her eyes skyward and
resented that she only had a
corpse left to hold in the night