When a cannibal man is thinking of choosing his just dessert
Must his family, friends and neighbors go on a red alert?
If his main dish consisted, of people frica**ee
Might he nibble on lady fingers to go with his skull of tea?
Does the populace of Paris diminish, when he eats his golden French fries
Or when he dines on his delicious dish, known as Parisian delectable thighs?
He loves to eat a Frank-foot-er, for him, it's a hot dog delight
But to Frank, there's nothing much cruder, then feeling that cannibal's bite
He doesn't smoke marijuana, but loves smoking men in his pot
He's far worse than most Piranhas, loves munching on humans a lot
A cannibal thinks it is thrilling, to be known as a people gourmet
And he's always so ready and willing, to dine at a human buffet
When it comes to dining organic, he's certainly not part of that scene
Man-eaters are known to be manic, for picking bones clean, they are keen
Though he is not big on veggies and herbs, he might savor the curls on your head
So hope that his diet and hunger he curbs, at least till he knows you're quite dead