Posture straight gut in a bit Chest out a bit now grin a bit Stick out that noble chin a bit No that's a bit too far Curtsy thus to duchess And dukes and lords as much as is Expected of the lady that you are Call the royals who reign above you Ladyship and Lord they love you But don't speak till they address you first When you're called your Royal Highness Stand up straight and show no shyness And they may ignore it was rehearsed Now you! Stomach out chest in and pout
Now grin and bow down low And if I'm feeling shy speak first then cry My dear we've got a million miles to go! Oh no! Though she drives me slowly crazy Though he's such a bore Things are looking sweetly hazy 'Cause I like him more and more What an awful lot to know! But you'll know all you ought to know 'Cause frankly for me not to know Would mean our certain fall You have every royal trait to be I admit I just can't wait to be A princess after all!