Roses are red And violets are blue Don't bother guessing Who this poem is to Roses are red But lately I'm blue I feel like I'm dead Cause I can't be with you My face turning red And violets are blue These thoughts in my head Just don't know what to do Roses are red And violets are blue But the only flower I ever cared about is you Roses are red My skins turning blue Words left unsaid Suffocate me they do Many poems I read And violets are blue Maybe it was the meds But you seemed to like me too Roses are red And violets are blue On I've been led And I'm left with no clues Roses are red And sometimes they're thorny When I think of you I get super horny My love is above And hallmark card corny I know that life isn't rainbows Like a package of skittles I know where the pain goes There's a crack in the middle But hi…. I like like you For you high I.Q. You're sweeter than Haichu I thought I'd write you a haiku “Guess What, I love you All I want is ‘W' Divided by two” REJECTION I choose not to respect The hallmark effect Because something artificial Makes emotions superficial But my love is my pitfall My heart has been tossed More than a pinball My mind has been lost Like the leaves in mid fall And I pay the cost Protect myself with a brick wall Building brick by brick Ever since I was a kid Days spent home from school Cause I was lovesick Stuck in bed with a heartache
Feeling all of my parts shake Went to a dark place Cursing my marked face No cure like the common cold And it spreads like a cancer Through life I was always told The rehearsed answers There's other wish in the sea But the only fish I'm swimming with He looks just like me Alone in the ocean Stuck going through the motions The product of division You can call me the quotient Cause I'm the result Of compliments divided by insult And I'm always less than one The personification Of this messed up love equation Let's rise up as a nation And say no to the sensation Of being in pre school And losing the girl you liked Cause some tool Had a flashier trike Of guys going on a date Expecting to get laid Because of how nice their suit was Or how much they paid Of kids sitting alone In their basements depressed Cause the girl on the phone Simply isn't impressed This poem is for the kids Who instead of getting flirty During the dirty thirty Stayed in the dorm Cause they were thought of as nerdy The kids who wanted more inside Than their right hands could provide For the kids you hear about in songs The ones who only went to prom With their friends or their moms Who know as much about opposite s** As they do about ancient Egyptian texts Nothing. They sit around wishing they were loving Wishing that their heart strings would play something