[hook] I'm a loner; an introvert; whatever you want to call me Leave me alone; on my own. I don't need anybody around me Don't pretend to be my friend. If anything, you're my enemy I'm a loner; an introvert. I don't need anybody around me [verse 1] I'm a disappointment to my parents, an embarra**ment to my siblings Such is the life of a rapper who hasn't made it to the mainstream Such is the life of my own ever since I tried rapping Failure has become a theme of my life that keeps reoccurring I can't find anything I'm good at and it's getting sickening I'm getting really discouraged by the way my life's going I should be going back to college, but instead I've been working It's maybe okay to be working, but I hate what I've been doing I don't understand how anybody could milk cows for a living But that's what my dad does and I've been stuck at home helping And we live out in the country, so I never see anybody I don't hang out with anyone around the same age as me I'm friendless and friendships are hopeless for me It's no wonder I talk about suicide. You should try living like me Try walking a mile in my shoes. Shun people who care about you See if you can take it any better than I do I hate where I live. I actually do have friends But I'd have to drive forever in order to see them I don't have any time for that, because I'm trying to make music I don't have any time for friendship. All my time goes into lyrics I don't have time for anything. As long as I continue rapping I have to spend all my time either writing or recording Should I give up on rapping? Maybe I should just forget about it Because hip hop has been forcing me to live like a hermit [hook] [verse 2] I don't have anything against you, I just prefer to be alone My life is so much more productive when I'm left on my own I couldn't be a rapper with friends who would never leave me alone I'm actually happy that all I ever do is sit around at home Because if I had another way for me to occupy my time I probably wouldn't be using any of my time to write and rhyme And I wouldn't be finishing any of this music of mine Or maybe I would be, but it would be boring and dry I either wouldn't be a rapper or I would be a lot whacker If you think I'm whack already, you should be thankful that I'm lonely Because I've been improving by spending my free time practicing I'm not messing around with rapping; I'm seriously trying
I could probably use a couple of friends, but they would just slow me down And that's the opposite of what I need right now I'm not exactly a people person, but I really do like other people I just need my alone time in order for my life to be meaningful To quote Albert Eistein, "Be a loner. It gives you time to wonder To have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living." If you spend more time thinking, you'll see things more clearly It might be boring and lonely, but it's worth it if you ask me It's been worth it for me. My rapping is becoming serious business I think God's been getting me ready for this and it's the reason for my existence Or maybe I'm askew and rapping isn't what I'm supposed to do Maybe I'm missing my calling, but I don't know what to do if that's true [hook] [verse 3] I know I'm not the only loner. There are others like this out there This verse goes out to everybody who is generally considered a loner Maybe, you spend most of your time in front of a computer Maybe, for you it's a lot harder, due to some kind of a disorder Maybe, you're awkward or maybe you just don't like socializing And you would rather spend most of your time on your own thinking I know life can get boring. We all need some socializing We all need something to do to keep us from getting lonely Thinking makes life meaningful and your life is peaceful But an excessively lonely lifestyle pushes people to be suicidal Try talking to some people and build up some confidence As you become more social, there will less awkwardness And when you're on your own, don't waste time doing nothing You've got to find something; some kind of a hobby worth doing It can be almost anything. For me, it's writing and rapping As well as listening to music other artists have been making You can accomplish anything with sufficient time and work ethic But you've got to devote more time to it than just a couple of seconds As for me, it's about time I quick doing this all on my own I've done enough practicing, I need people to help me from here on I need a label, producers, and anyone who can give me advice They don't have to be famous. Any kind of help would be nice I just need some help with this and some promotion would be nice Not because I want to get rich, because I don't know anything about this [hook]